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Just so everyone knows - I am starting with new meds anafranil and for the last eight weeks i have gone from 25mg to 175mg. I had a great three weeks on 125mg but then felt bad again( does this happen to anyone else~)

Yesterday i had an awful time, was at work and felt spacy and not with it and couldnt concentrate - I then started to panic, oh god i am going to lose control or something this carried on until in bed and was tossing and turning thinking i am going mad.
My ocd keeps telling me its the tablets!! BUT could it be feasible that its the tablets getting into my brain (been on this dose for four days~) and its making me spaced out and a bit unfocused and the anxiety is just me trying to work it out, but its feeding my greatest fear, the tablets wont work, but when i first started taking them i felt a lot better?
sorry to burden anyone with this, I am not looking for reassurance just some ones perspective and if they felt like this.;

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Possible side effects with anafranil (not everyone experiences any of these) include
  • Sleepiness/Somnolence or Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Libido change or sexual problems
  • Increased sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
Less frequent side-effects with anafranil:
  • Nervousness
  • Memory impairment
  • Impaired concentration
  • "Abnormal thinking" (not defined)
  • Postural hypotension or vertigo
  • Abnormal vision or taste
It may be possible that what you are experiencing is due to the medication. Your best bet is to talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist for advice on how to proceed.
Thank you.
I know alot of the sensations are the side effects but the constant ruminating over - is the the tablets or is this the ocd etc etc makes me feel so awful.
I feel that i will need to wait until i see the DR as cannot bother him again and my appointment is in three months.

Also dont want to fall into that trap of blaming the meds as I have taken them to stop me feeling this way and its always been this way with my ocd, therefore i need to let this dose work but its so haaaarrrrd!!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I wouldn't wait 3 months. Call his office and let them know what's happening.

My family doctor told me this a long time ago: "When you leave my office, I assume that everything is fine until I hear from you again. So if everything is not fine, make sure you call for an appointment."
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