More threads by JennyS


I think similar to everyone else I search to be fulfilled in life.
I have my obstacles and my triumphs.

This feeling of going round and round, solving the same problems haunts me. I am not a routine type person, which is a serious problem, I wonder if it is genetics or this is a learned behavior. I don't know if there is literature on that. Some people and neat and tidy and some are not. Is this learnt or are we like that because we were wired that way.

I have done a lot of growth with with therapists and coaches and although I liked it it was expensive.
For now I'm sticking to the free online stuff, including this.
I like moodgym and clarifylife mainly because they are free.
I'm also looking for live support groups that are voice based. Or video if you could get more than one person on the other end.
I want to try some other tools and techniques based on what I see here.


What is it you are looking for that would make life more fulfilling? Going round and round applies to most people, healthy and unhealthy.

Would knowing whether things are genectic or aquired behaviours make a difference in how you look for fulfillment?

Welcome by the way!:)


Well if I know it is genetic and I can't do much about it, I suppose I could relax a bit.
Right now I am always angry at myself which does not help obviously.
How many times have I heard that.

As far as what I am looking for, the answer is "I don't know"
I wish I knew.
I go round and round with it.
Sorry to repeat that phrase and also thank you for the welcome.
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