David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
Put myself first then they will make me pay do you understand.
Nonsense. What you are really afraid of is that if you stop being a caretaker you will disappear. They won't make you pay. You fear that YOU will make you pay, because then you will have to face who you are when you're not defining yourself by other people. And what if you don't like the person you see? That's what keeps you stuck.
Im sorry i am so weak and tired and i just want the past to go away
Of course you do, but it won't. As my mother used to say, "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". Wishing won't change anything. Change takes commitment and effort.
I hate myself so much ihate where i am
Then move forward away from that person you hate to a person you could become that you might not hate... No one keeps you stuck there except you.
I was a somebody I was important i showed them all now i am tired I have nothing more to prove to anybody.
Is that really what made you important, a somebody? Was it all about defining yourself in the shadow of other people? What would happen if you stepped out of that shadopw and out of that role? Who would you be then?