Today is my 22 day sober and I don't know if I can make it to 23 stress level is through the roof....not only is my semester ending at high school(which means I have finals next week), but I am taking two courses at a local community college and I'm still in Intensive Outpatient for drug addiction and being an alcoholic but I still have my normal volunteering going on and other schedule is insane...tomorrow for example I go to high school in the morning then I leave at 9:30 b/c I have group theraphy from 10-11:30, then I have a college course from 12:30-1:45, then I have big brother/big sister volunteering from 4-6:30 and then I need to get to my required Narcotics Anonymous meetings from 8-9...everyday is like that only some I have to do more things than that...I'm have a lot of homework and projects b/c it's the end of the semester and I have all of college reading stuff and papers to start to write and then I have an Advanced Placement class that starts next semester that I need to still read two books for and it's just to all my coping mechanisms (drugs, alcohol and cutting) have all been taken away and I just wake up in the morning stressed out and if I do go to sleep at night I'm stressed...I'm getting physically sick from stress...i.e. chest pains and not eating and getting sick when i do eat...I just don't know how much longer I can continue to be sober when I just want a moment of relief...ok well I'v gone on long enough...not to mention that I need to go to theraphy in like five minutes ...thanks for reading this and listening to me complain (I don't like to do that...sorry)