More threads by Noughts


It's been a while. And I feel like posting; why not?

As you may or may not know, I'm in an independent study program, and I've been really trying to graduate early. Especially to make up lost time; I swear I should've been put into an independent study program long ago. I'm not kidding when I think I could've graduated from highschool at the age of fourteen if I had the chance... So when I am fourteen next year, I'll still be in the ninth grade. Crimaney, all the possibilities, opportunities I've missed...

Well anyway, I guess I've really cemented the fact that I've disowned/hate my family. At least with my mother. I finally mustered the will to remove all the family pictures from the frames in my room. I also put my mattress up on the desk/bunk bed (they've been promising my a mattress that'd fit the bunk for over a year, so I've decided to take things into my own hands), along with the covers and the pillow. After that, I went to my local bookstore to do some work in physical science. Five hours later, went back home, and after a few hours mother here finally realized that all the pictures were out of their frames and asked where they were. Denied to divulge an information at first, but the second or third time she asked me I took out the pictures and she took everything away. And... I guess maybe it's been two hours now since that happened. She hasn't asked me why I've done things yet, and to my knowledge she hasn't told my father about the incident.

I've hated my family since... How long have I hated my family? I'm not sure. But what really was the kicker (the final straw) was when I learned my vehemently opposed to gay marriage a four days ago (she was discussing California Proposition 8 with her mother, which on the California General Election Ballot is titled "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry"). This... It really disturbed me. For those of you with anxiety disorders, you know how rejection feels... Your chest feels funny, your hair stands up, you're breathless, it feels like you're going to cry and vomit at the same time... It was like that. I thought things like, "What did I do wrong," "Why," "I'm not a bad person," "it's not m fault," "get away from me," "don't touch me," "I don't want to hear anything anymore," "I can't stop crying I'm weak," and... And more things. ...And after fifteen minutes of crying into my pillow in despair, insecurity, and utter hopelessness, I stopped. And I suddenly started getting mad... I vented this anger through taking new pencils (unsharpened) and ramming them into the walls of my room, my computer table, and my computer chair. I left rips in my chair, relatively deep depressions in my walls, and parts of my desk look chafed. And I've been doing that for the last four days... Which has led up to me disowning my family and then visiting my local bookstore to do some work, et cetera.

It's funny. After taking out the pictures, I really don't feel better or worse. I just... it was just on a whim. And concerning my family's feelings? I couldn't care less. I couldn't care less about them, unless it affects me. For example, I don't care about my little brothers' futures, but if they get into some sort of accident and have to be hospitalized, I'll be concerned becaus of health care bills. And, If I had to live with another family, it'd be fine by me as long as I get to bring all of my things and my kitten.

...I've had a history of being extremely sensitive to what my family thinks about me... And not just them. About everyone. I've always tried innovating academically... I've always put myself down for not being good enough. For not overachieving enough. For not receiving enough praise. I'd always cry, thinking I'm a (relative) failure because I wasn't good enough (even though I've always gotten top marks in academic subjects...) I feared criticism. Any time I received (unconstructive) criticism I'd get this urge to curl up into fetal position and lock myself in my closet. Which I actually have.

All of that history? It's history. I don't think I feel like that anymore; I don't care about what my family feels, thinks, or what anyone is feeling or thinking, unless it affects what I want. Though praise will always be a plus to me. But otherwise... I'm totally apathetic. I feel like doing whatever I want to do on a whim; if I feel like running around the mall wearing a a tutu spandex costume and flailing my arms proclaiming "the Scots are falling the Scots are falling," then by the gods, I'll do it.

I'm really starting to question whether I actually need any sort of familial support to become successful in life. I've tried monopolizing every aspect of my life that I can; my diet, my time management, my education, my room, my income, my investments, everything I can. And it looks like I'm becoming successful. I have a job, and I'm getting ahead in my education. No thanks to my family. (I was the one who decided to go with the independent study program!)

...So there you have it. To sum it up I've become an impetuous, jaded, independent, self-absorbed, relatively successful thirteen-year-old girl. I think the greatest thing about this is the sudden numbness; I'm not as stressed out as I used to be. That means I probably won't get any worry lines this year as I did last year.


Re: So I've just disowned my family.

Dear Noughts, it sounds like you have a lot of expectations from your family that they are not meeting for you. Have you met with the school counselor yet? It seems you have more than you can handle on your own. You are intelligent and independent but everyone needs a bit of TLC. :support: Mari


No, I haven't met my school counselor. I'm not sure if you remember, so I'll take the liberty of reaffirming a few things; she's a counselor for three schools and all of them are almost exclusively filled with "maladjusted" students. And, when she has time... I have absolutely no idea what to talk to her about. Aside from "I need help convincing my family to get me psychiatric help because I had hallucinations last week, though I admit I've since numbed and I don't see myself as a person filled with paranoia and delusion anymore. Because of this, I feel like hallucinations are a part of the past and I'm really doubting I need psychiatric help on it anymore." I don't feel like talking much anymore in general... Even more so than before. Which is odd, because compared to what I was last year, I've got a better grasp of human socialisation; people's facial expressions are actually starting to register in my mind.

...I guess I suppose I could ask her to refer me to a psychiatrist so I can find out how long this numbness is going to last for the heck of it. And, now that you've mentioned tender loving care... This's probably be a revelation in my book if I cared; I don't have that urge to read romance novels/see chickflicks anymore. I don't think about Kia anymore, or what I might feel if someone confessed their love to me, or have the urge to write romantic stories, or draw pictures of two people being happy together in any way possible, or... anything of that sort. I don't even care about Kia anymore; this is something my former self would weep about at the very least. I don't love myself (nor do I hate myself), either; the only living being I seem to hold feelings of affection for is my kitten. I'm not sure if I actively smile around him anymore, but I do laugh when I'm with him. And it feels good, and he feels good too... And I do still like cuddling with him. It's as if I've totally disconnected with humanity (aside from sexual attraction). Which I don't mind, at least at the moment.

...Or maybe you're saying I should see the counselor so I can become "human" again; that I should interact with people so I can start feeling emotions and connections again? Would that be a good thing? Because I think if I pursue a career in acting, I wouldn't be as good as I could if I started feeling emotions and connections again; it's harder to lie when you're like that. Not that I'd pursue a career in acting. I just thought about it... Sorry if I've misunderstood you here.


...I guess I suppose I could ask her to refer me to a psychiatrist so I can find out how long this numbness is going to last for the heck of it. And, now that you've mentioned tender loving care... This's probably be a revelation in my book if I cared; I don't have that urge to read romance novels/see chickflicks anymore. I don't think about Kia anymore, or what I might feel if someone confessed their love to me, or have the urge to write romantic stories, or draw pictures of two people being happy together in any way possible, or... anything of that sort. I don't even care about Kia anymore; this is something my former self would weep about at the very least. I don't love myself (nor do I hate myself), either; the only living being I seem to hold feelings of affection for is my kitten. I'm not sure if I actively smile around him anymore, but I do laugh when I'm with him. And it feels good, and he feels good too... And I do still like cuddling with him. It's as if I've totally disconnected with humanity (aside from sexual attraction). Which I don't mind, at least at the moment.

This part of your post really stuck out at me and I thought if you are feeling or not feeling any of this then it would be a good indication that seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist of some sort is probably a good idea.

The way I see it is that it never hurts to see a therapist and it can only improve your life. If you truly have nothing to work on or say then you won't need many sessions however if you do have a few things to work out then seeing a therapist is your best bet.

So, as you can tell my suggestion would to be definitely talk to school counsellor when you can especially if your parents are unwilling to get you the help required.

Take care
Hi Noughts ,
Halo says good and wise things ,
..Or maybe you're saying I should see the counselor so I can become "human" again;

You are human , the posts you write here shows a very sensitive person , at times we have such a rush of emotions , that we feel numb , seeing a therapist helps us to untangle the knots and to see things from various view points , it is up to us to choose then how we see ourselves and the world about us . someone once said that a therapist can help hold up the mirror so that we can see the back of our heads , something which is not possible alone.
hugs white page


@Halo: Interesting... Telling the counselor straight out that I'm numb? Maybe I should do that. Or maybe I should ask her how to deal with my unsupportive family; I don't need their acceptance, and frankly I wouldn't care even if they did accept me, but learning how to deal with them could be very, very useful. I wouldn't actually know what to do later on if I had to come out of the closet with them... Like, should I educate them about sexuality and how it is something found in nature (though not very often), and that I didn't ask for my sexual orientation ("Woo hoo! The New Year's coming up! I think I'm going to try to be bisexual next year so that I'll get worry lines from all the angst and stress!"), or should I just accept being cut off from them and not waste an effort?

Yes, therapy should improve my life... I'll keep that in mind for future reference. And I'll talk to her when things come up.

Thanks, everyone. I'm sure I'll be living a life of a higher standard in the future than I would without everyone's advice.


H! Noughts, I do not want to be too harsh but you did avoid answering my question. Even with trying to read between the lines I am still not clear whether you have met with the school counselor. The counselor is there for all students 'maladjusted' or not and if you request time then it is the counselor's responsibility to make that time available for you.

I'll keep that in mind for future reference

Why for future reference? Why not now? :confused: Mari


from reading all of your posts, it sounds as if you are suffering from sever psychological distress. This is not normal. Feeling numb isn't normal, hallucinations aren't normal. And though you say the hallucinations are the past....they aren't guaranteed to stay there. Regardless of what your family thinks of individuals of different sexual orientations you need to take care of yourself. You NEEd really do need to see a therapist, tell your counsellor, tell your vp or someone at school that you are in need very quickly to see someone. There are many avenues of help. I wish I could be of more help to you. I know what it is like to live with bigoted individuals, I have many such family members myself, and though not of the "other orientation" as they say I have many friends who are and I think that to be against someones ability and right to have love and companionhsip is wrong at all levels.
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