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:shock4: Imagine my surprise when my friend from Toronto told me she went to some pub called "Three Speed" and watched a few musicians, one of them being David Baxter.:teehee: Rock on.

---------- Post added December 9th, 2009 at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was December 8th, 2009 at 08:34 PM ----------

lol I just had Dr. Baxter's head put on a rocker dudes body that was dancing around playing guitar and it was really funny! lol I lost it some how :rant: so I will have to try it again tomorrow...:teehee:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A picture of the artist as a young man, age 16, before all the fame, grueling tours, and groupies.


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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No, I have no idea what happened to that guitar. I've had many since but I gave away my accoustic to one of my sons and someone stole my 12-string so I'm all electric now. :D :band:

It was black-and-white because it was in one of the papers, either the Montreal Star or the Montreal Gazette, I forget which. :)


I want to buy an acoustic and try to teach myself but I don't have a very good attention span.
I learned my first song on an electric but couldn't play it now if I tried. One of my boyfriends played electric among other things.

What kind of music do you play? Are you in a band? Do you actually plug in and crank it up? lol That's funny if you saw the dancing guitar guy with your head.

I can play some other instruments, or use to anyway. lol I could probably pick them up easily again but again that attention thing.

---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 AM ----------

It was black-and-white because it was in one of the papers, either the Montreal Star or the Montreal Gazette, I forget which. :)

Ohhhh okkk. Right. ;) So it wasn't because the camera was just invented? lol

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No... that's cropped from a larger photo... my family was in the paper on a number of occasions for various reasons, but mostly because there were 12 kids.

This is just the first 7... another shot for a paper in British Columbia:


  • family1.jpg
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The photographer obviously had a sense of humor. Note the British influence in fashion. This was just before we hooked up with Bonnie and Clyde for that infamous string of bank robberies.


lol Wow! That's a lot of kids. Did all of your family come over to Canada when they did? I mean, do you have most siblings in Canada as well? Your parents give octomom a run for her money!!

My dad had 9 siblings (including him)

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

Those coats would be in style today!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There were 5 more after that picture. Plus at one time 7 dogs, one of whom had 7 puppies, and various other critters.

Our house was insane.

And, unlike octomom, my mother had them one at a time. Not even a twin in there.


Oh my goodness. Not a dull moment I bet!
I thought those two girls were twins, only because of their height. Your all so close in age to. Your mom must have been a busy lady! One is hard enough!!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Speaking of coats, have you noticed that suddenly gay guys are wearing black leather Matrix coats like Neo? What's that all about. They are all gonna get a lot of salt on the bottoms of those coats this winter. :)


lol I haven't noticed. I don't get out much and usually TO fashion doesn't hit here for months after it is popular there.
The salt will be a sort of tye-died look. Oh so sheik! :goodjob:

---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 AM ----------

Are you sure that's you? You switched up your profile (right cheek to straight on)

Wow. I cannot imagine having that many people around all the time!


Is that you in the funky white pants or the kid behind him? If you are the one in the white pants are you the class clown? lol Not because of your pants lol I meant because the teacher is looking at you with a smirk on her face.

I guess the bowel cut (spelling error but it stays (Bowl)) was in for girls back then.

In reply to your reply accidently put on another thread
That would be hard moving that often. At least you had a big family to come home to. Still hard to adjust I imagine.


Omg! That is a lot. Not enough time to actually get to know anyone either I guess. Is that due to your parents work? Obviously you don't have to answer that.
I can't imagine. I went to the same town, elementary,middle, high school so I can't even fathom that. Fathom? Is that a word? lol See small town high school!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, my father was moving up rapidly in his career, which I think may have been in the top 10 of America's Most Wanted. :lol:

What I learned was how to make friends quickly, fit in quickly using humor, natural good looks and charm, and music... and never let anyone too close so it didn't hurt as much when we moved again.

It has its pluses and its minuses.
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