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lol That's why you have the whole right cheek incognito thing going on. :whistle:(AMW)

Humour works for everything. :goodjob: Definitely pluses and minuses. It's good you learned how to make friends quick. I would have been curled up in the corner hoping someone would talk to me. lol


lol Cute. You look like your playing your air guitar!
Random-When I was little my dad had this guy that worked for him named Dave. One time he took me to McDonalds and I got a pop. He showed me this "trick". In the pop they had this ice that was joined together and you could put it on the rim of your cup and swirl it around. He called it "A Cowboy Dave". :blush:

Cute picture. Your mom is/was beautiful. It's so funny how styles, clothing and hair go full circle. I remember doing that bubble thing with my bangs in a clip. lol


It made me smile to see all of your pictures and read about your large family. My dad was one of 13 children and I can't even begin to imagine how my grandma did it and she never tried to move with all of those kids. That must have been very difficult.

I don't know how your family was, but with my dad and his siblings there were almost 3 different families. There were the older kids (my dad's group), then the middle kids and then the babies. By the time the middle kids were born, there were older siblings to help. Then by the time the older ones were out of the house, the middle ones were assisting with the youngest ones. It was still crazy, though especially since after the 13th kid was born my grandpa took off. There was always lots of chaos. At least at family gatherings, there was usually at least 1 person that would be fun to talk to.

So, being one of the older kids, you were probably lucky enough to avoid too many hand-me-downs.

The funny thing is that none of dad's siblings had more than 2 children, in fact, most only had 1 child.

Anyway, sorry for just interjecting, I just got somewhat nostalgic seeing the pictures and hearing that you came from such a large family.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't know how your family was, but with my dad and his siblings there were almost 3 different families. There were the older kids (my dad's group), then the middle kids and then the babies.

That's exactly how it was in my family: Three groups of four, separated by a couple of years or so. :)
Wow lots of noise i bet My mom had 8 kids all about 11mths apart. my twin and I were stuck right in the middle of 6 boys ahahah I remember having to look after younger kids it was just done as mom couldn't do it all alone. The noise though I don't know how you handle it we live with 2 aunts and uncle at first 13 people then we moved to 3 bedroom home It was always a zoo. Your pictures are very neat i like older pictures done in black and white they have so much character. You looked like you had fun as a child.
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