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I don't know what is wrong with me. I have been having fairly severe joint pain and tiredness for many months now. I think I posted about it before. I did have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor, but had a stomach bug and just couldn't get there. I haven't rescheduled it and I guess I should. I just am really afraid to go for some reason. What if it's cancer or something really serious?

I recently had some bloodwork done and everything was ok except for something called "alkaline phosphatase." It was somewhat above normal. The bloodwork was done by an insurance company so I haven't talked to my doctor about it. I don't know what it is or if it has anything to do with the pain I'm having.

Today my knees hurt so bad I am almost in tears. I do take ibuprofen when it gets bad, but that upsets my stomach. I'm not overweight so I know the pain isn't from something like that.

My finger joints swell up and go down throughout the day. I can tell when they're swollen by the way they feel. Also sometimes it's harder to get rings on. Then the swelling will go away. It's weird. :confused:

I don't even know if this is orthopedic related. I just don't know exactly what to do. And stupidly I didn't mention it to my regular doctor the last time I saw her. I have mentioned it to a nurse practitioner that I saw for an ear infection on a kind of emergency basis. She did some bloodwork for arthritis and I guess that turned out ok.

I also mentioned it to the ob/gyn doctor I saw recently and she referred me to the orthopedic dr. Ugh, that sounds confusing. Anyway, should I go ahead and reschedule the orthopedic doctor's appointment?

I'm discouraged and hurting. It's really adding to the depression and anxiety. I deal really well with certain types of pain, but this type of pain I'm not coping with very well at all and I feel really whiny.

Part of it is that it is causing major flashbacks because the pain in certain joints (hip) and pelvic area remind me so much of trauma pain I experienced. It's really, really putting me right back there. I want to really hurt myself to deal with it, but so far I'm stopping that from happening.

I don't know what I'm wanting here. Just to vent and maybe get a little advice. I really appreciate you all "listening" to me. I know I'm not very supportive lately and I'm sorry. I keep hoping I'll snap out of whatever is wrong with me. :(


Hey CD,

I think you should make getting to the bottom of this a priority. Pain is your body's way of letting you know that something isn't right. It could be something quite minor, in which case, it would make sense to deal with it and feel better in the long run. Even if it's something minor, it's affecting you mentally and emotionally on a bigger level. You need to deal with it so you can go back to feeling good again.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Ask your doctor about it. I'm seeing reports of people with enduring allergic-like reactions to the H1N1 vaccine that sound rather like the symptoms you're reporting.
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