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Daniel E.
Keeping Your Job in a Bad Economy: Tips For Working Smarter Not Harder
by Dr. Jonathan Fader, The New You
August 2011

We work longer hours in the United States but we are less productive as compared to other countries that work less according to an article from the Harvard Business School by Stever Robbins [see below]. This is particularly important information when millions of Americans are unemployed and many others are worried about losing their jobs. There are however, many things we can do to increase our effectiveness at work and make ourselves more valuable to our employers. Robbins says that it is of utmost importance to create focus or to get into the "zone" for a few hours a day. This involves shutting the door to your office, turning off your phone and committing to particular project. The 80/20 rule that 80 percent of your productivity is generated by 20 percent of your efforts. How can we be sure we are working on the right things?

Dr. Michael Warech of Warech Associates is clear on how we can begin to gain clarity on where to focus our work energies, "It is essential to gain clarity on your job role before you think about how you can improve your performance" he said. Warech suggests that you spend some time understanding the mission of your company as well as taking a look at the work flow and procedures before implementing any behavioral change. He also advises that a good strategy is to talk to your supervisor and your colleagues about what you do well and what you can improve. This can lead to a more accurate assessment of what is needed to truly improve your performance and thus, success in your job role.

Dr. Kurt Kraiger, a Professor of Industrial Organizational Psychology at Colorado State University agrees and added, "It is important to note that supervisors are often reluctant to give feedback unless an employee asks for it." He encourages employees to work to develop greater comfort in their relationships with their boss so that their boss will give them honest feedback about things they could change. Dr. Kraiger sites research by Kruger and Dunning that shows people are not very accurate at assessing their own performance. According to Kraiger, we are also inaccurate at judging how long it takes us to implement a change or finish a project. Dr. Kraiger recommends taking a conservative estimate of how long it will take you to finish a task, double that time and then double it again. This will ensure that when you take on a new behavior or goal, you (and your boss!) will have realistic expectations of the time entailed in completing your goal. By thinking carefully about what our jobs really require of us and working on developing our efficiency we can make ourselves truly invaluable at work.

Tips for improving your job performance:

1. Find out what is required for you to succeed. Read your job description and the company mission statement.
2. Interview your supervisor and your colleagues about what you should do more of, what you should stop doing and what you should start doing that you are not doing now.
3. Be realistic about the time entailed in completing a change or goal. Take an estimate and then double it twice.
4. Have some time each week in which you eliminate distractions (close the door, turn off anything that beeps) to work on ongoing larger projects.
5. Complete the task you like less first, then reward yourself with doing the easier tasks next.
6. Work in parallel. After assessing what is needed to complete your job, start things in motion by delegating etc so that some things can be progressing while you are focusing on others.
7. Schedule time for yourself (on your calendar) for certain tasks.
8. Try to only check email at certain times each day. If possible wait until mid-morning after you have had 1-2 hours of concentrated work time on important projects.
9. Be social, but monitor the time you spend chatting as it could impact your ability to concentrate and get to work.
10. Reward yourself for your achievements. Being social, or enjoying a favorite pastime after hard work can create an increased sense of accomplishment and reinforce your new work habits!

---------- Post added at 03:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

Productivity Means Working Smarter, Not Longer
by Stever Robbins, Harvard Business School Working Knowledge
January 2006

Workers in the United States put in more hours at work and take fewer vacation days than those in most industrialized countries. But the U.S isn't the most productive country in the world. When it comes to full productivity, according to an article in The Economist, France wins, working only forty hours a week with lots of vacation. Conversations with clients and friends suggest we're working hard, but, well, stupidly. We're busy, but our important priorities are falling by the wayside as we work hard when we should be working smart.

Working smart means getting the same results in less time. To do that, you must change how you work. You'll get the most by changing your speed, increasing focus, and organizing to do things in parallel.

Start with your eyes open
Before you read on, I must warn you: Working smart is risky. If you work smart, you'll have more free time. That means more leisure, shorter work hours, or . . . more work. If you use the free time to take on more commitments, you're just as busy as before, but now you are so tightly scheduled that a slip in one project can cascade to many more projects. Happiness happens when productivity enables a higher-quality life, not frantic overachievement.

Right now, we get more productive by working longer. But how about working faster? To work faster, you'll have to get into the zone. In the zone, you're running a marathon. You bring your full focus to one task and build momentum until you're producing results like nobody's business.

Key to entering the zone is eliminating distraction. Your major distractions—let me guess—are e-mail, telephone, visitors, and yourself. One of my clients, a high-tech CEO, blocks out four hours each day for focus time. He closes his door, forwards the phone to voice-mail, and starts working to build up his rhythm. He rarely works the entire four hours, but by having the time blocked out, he's sure to get a couple of hours of solid work under his belt. And without distractions, he can spend time doing big-picture thinking, instead of being pulled into details. After five years, he considers this one of the best habits he's ever developed.

Your biggest distractions will come from you, though. You'll multitask. And sadly, you'll believe you're getting more done as you do. Face reality: People are less productive when multitasking, and that's been shown in many studies over the last few years—check out "Juggling Too Many Tasks Could Make You Stupid" by Sue Shellenbarger in the Wall Street Journal, March 1, 2003. We feel busy, but most of that busy-ness is spent switching from task to task, not making forward progress on any one task.

Increase focus
If you're like me, you hardly ever procrastinate—except for the really important stuff. The rubber bands get dutifully sorted by size, but that client proposal? Not so much. Another way to work smarter is by distinguishing busy from productive. Oh, we're busy, and we feel productive, but we're only productive if we're producing the results that are most important to moving the company forward.

E-mail is a great way to waste time feeling productive. And we get so much of it, so surely those two hours a day reading and replying is time well spent. But if you spend two hours of an eight-hour workday on e-mail, that's 25 percent of your time. Unless that 25 percent of your time is producing at least 25 percent of your total income, it's a low-value-added activity, no matter how many one-shot, ad hoc contracts you get that way.

The same applies to any activity. The 80/20 rule says that 80 percent of your results come from just 20 percent of your efforts. Companies find most profits come from a few customers. And you'll find most of your output comes from a few of your tasks. So what? Well, look at the math. If you double the time you spend on real-output-producing activities and stop doing the others, you'll double your output and spend 60 percent less time! If you started with a ten-hour workday, you'll get twice as much done, working just four hours.

Consider Nancy. Nancy is a self-employed sales trainer. In a typical day, she might write her electronic newsletter, deliver a one-hour training, make a dozen prospect calls, categorize her receipts, and straighten her office. These all must get done, yet only delivering the training and making prospect calls directly bring in business. Nancy's hidden productivity opportunity comes in making more prospecting calls, and spending less time categorizing receipts. In fact, she can hire a bookkeeper for a year with the extra money she makes from one additional sale.

Once you're concentrating on your high-output work, you can get another boost by streamlining. If Nancy gets 10 percent better at prospecting, that adds more to her bottom line than anything she can do in other areas.

Say no
My favorite 80/20 principle is saying "no." Most of us take on more than we can handle. Then our companies lay off 30 percent of the work force and expect the same output from the survivors. Our overwork gets compounded by dumb high-level decision making

If you're working at capacity, say "no" to that new client. If someone proposes a project that will fall in 80 percent-work-for-20 percent-results category, just say "no." Face facts, my friend: There's a limit to how much you can do. You can manage that limit and do things well, or you can ignore the limit and do a lousy job on everything. The choice is yours.

Work in parallel, but don't multitask
When you multitask, you do many things at once. Bad idea. But you can find ways to arrange work so many things are happening at once. Good idea. If you are collaborating on a report and writing a marketing plan, you could write the plan and then work on the report. But look closely! Your colleague must review the report. So first draft your report and send it to your colleague. While she's reviewing, you get to work on the marketing plan. Work moves forward on both at the same time.

While we all work this way to some degree, a little thought can find golden opportunities for parallelism. Delegation is a great tool here. When you delegate a task, it keeps moving while you're working on something else. Just make sure you are delegating to someone with the time, tools, and resources to do the job. Otherwise, you'll find the task coming back to bite you.

Another great source of time delays is when something's being produced or shipped. Will your prospectus be going to the printer? Great! Use that time to hammer through your high-leverage tasks. The product is en route to your customer? That means more time for you to do other things. But if you putter around with low-priority tasks until you ship last minute via Federal Express, you lose the chance to work in parallel.

Combine and think
You can get very creative in how you use these principles. A partner in a new private equity firm wanted to buy and run a company. He realized he would say "no" 99 percent of the time, and "yes" only once or twice. To speed things along, he got very clear on the criteria to disqualify a deal as quickly as possible. He said "no" a whole lot. His ability to quickly weed out the duds ultimately led to a deal that's showing gains of $170 million in thirteen months. If he hadn't streamlined his low-leverage activity (saying "no") so he could reach his high-leverage "yes," he would likely have invested in one of his earlier, not-so-great deals.

Have you noticed a pattern? Working faster, identifying your 80/20 opportunities, and using opportunities for parallelism all take thought and planning before you reap the rewards.

So your highest-leverage activity is taking regular time to reexamine and tweak how you work. This year, I'm spending a half-day every two weeks to build a life and business that are productive. And to me, productivity means producing maximum happiness for me, my family, and friends. I entreat you to do the same. Give it a shot. You'll be happier, you'll get more done, and you'll get to see your kids for dinner. And that's what I call working smart.

You can find more of Stever Robbins' articles at His latest book is Get-It-Done Guy's 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More.

Related video:

---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 PM ----------

An excerpt from his book:

You start getting more done in less time, so you have more free time to enjoy the finer things in life, like eight hours' sleep. But that free time doesn't stick around.

Your boss swoops by, sees that you are taking time to inhale and exhale, and instantly gives you another project to work on .. . or, worse, you start to freak out after your third deep breath and frantically go looking for new work. Over time, every life improvement increases how many commitments you have, Your systems can handle a dozen projects at once, but you have limits. Our technology has sped up the world so now we don't wait for the world anymore, the world waits for us. We are the limiting factor. (All the more reason for the machines to revolt and do away with us.)

This book will be useful only if you get to enjoy the fruits of your own efforts. If you get better at what you do and then overload yourself, you're no better off. Pay close attention to the chapter on focus. After you've started saving time, say no when anyone asks you to take on new commitments—even if the anyone is you.

If necessary, don't tell anyone you're saving time. Continue to complain occasionally about your heavy workload and how you never seem to have as much free time as you want. Then spend your newfound free time doing things that are fun, meaningful, and life-enriching!

Get-It-Done Guy's 9 Steps to Work ... - Google Books

Daniel E.
Operating at Your Peak; Sleep and Good Food are Underrated
by Stever Robbins

...Most startups are run as pressure cookers. I suspect it’s a misguided romantic notion that confuses movement with progress. A company I worked with closely took pride in their overwork, though any experienced project manager could instantly see the overwork came from poor scheduling, poor resource allocation, and a lack of attention to infrastructure that would have sped up later projects. The haste to get early contracts out the door sacrificed the opportunity to build systems for later productivity and later quality of life...

Even in startups, the gains from super-effort crunches are only gains in the short term. Most of them are more than made up for by decreased productivity, decreased creativity [which necessitates later rework], and time lost to sickness and required vacation.
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