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When I tell my 3 year-old daughter to clean up her toys, she says ?Mom, you better go ahead and do it. I don?t know anyone who cleans up toys as good as you can.?

My daughter recently had an accident in her pants and announced to me: ?Mommy, I was running to the bathroom as fast as I could but the poo was faster than me.?

At church (we sit in the 2nd row), my 3 year old niece said in a very loud voice, ?AGAIN???? when the pastor asked us to stand for the 4th time in just a few minutes. Everyone behind us thought it was pretty hilarious.

When my oldest was 3 or so he announced to the daycare that he couldn?t sleep at night because of all the noises coming from our bedroom. The daycare employees thought it was pretty funny. At supper that night, my hubby asked him what kind of noises they were. He matter of factly stated ?snoring?.
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