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I had a discussion about "Icarus and Daedalus" today on another board I frequent, and I found myself in the minority when I expressed the opinion that the story was one of freedom to live the ultimate dream, knowing the cost. I said I found it inspirational, not morbid, and used Henri Matisse' "Icarus" painting as a reference.


And someone got it. Someone else understood what I was saying and posted this from YouTube:

YouTube - Kiwi!

I've seen it before, but it never stops the tears from rolling down my cheeks when I see it. Most people think it's sad and find themselves tearing up because of sadness. But that's not where my tears come from. I think they come from understanding.


The kiwi can't fly. For some reason it has no wings. Through great effort, it moves the trees so that they are now perpendicular to the ground by jutting off the face of a cliff. He finally achieves his dream of flying by jumping off the cliff and hurtling downward toward his death, but meanwhile having the impression of soaring over the treetops on his way. He flew at a great cost, but one that was worth it to him.

So did Icarus.


Resident Canuck
:teehee: Fiver and I posted at the same time, the almost same thing. :teehee:


I've never seen this before, and I have to say, I'm glad someone explained it or I wouldn't have gotten it either.
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