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Hello. I am new in the forum. I am a boy, 21 years old. I am a student and I also work in a company.

When I was a child, I used to have very few friends and this was till I became about 18 years old. Then I felt the need to make new and more friends and since then I like meeting new people.

I like listening to music, though lately I do not have much time for this and I am mostly listening to older songs (some time ago it was the opposite - I listened mainly to new songs).

I could say I am a gay. Or at least I have homosexual orientation; I still may be bisexual, as there are girls that attract me, but I am not completely sure about that. The thing I know is that boys attract me too, so I had to take a long way till I finally accepted this a little while ago (or maybe not so long - still, I took this way and it seemed very difficult to me, but now I am up with myself, I feel better).

I have had three girlfriends in my life by now and I was in love with three girls. My first crush was a classmate of mine and I loved her for 4 years. Then, the next girl in my life appeared. She was from another town, but when we have seen each other a few times, I understood that I am on her. Both of the girls did not reply to my feelings - the first one does not know about them, and the second one knows, but she was in love with another boy on my age, so we stayed best friends. My next girl was my first girlfriend, but as I was in love with the second one, I could not be with her for a long and we broke. The next one was the girl that loved me from the first time we were introduced to each other, but this relationship was short, too, as I had nothing towards her. The next girl was the very special one in my life. We were together for some time last year, but she decided to break up with me, and even though I expected it to happen, it was very hard for me to recover after the end. But then, a guy came in my life and changed everything.

Now, I am a person that seeks happiness not just for himself, but for his friends and relatives, too. I do not want to be misunderstood, I want everything to be calm and pleasant, but there are always difficulties and we have to deal with them.

I hope this information is enough for me. It is something that can say very much about someone, I hope you will get a general idea of me as a person.

Hope to have nice time here. I really searched for help for the last few months and I hope I will find it here when I need it from now on.


Resident Canuck
I know I already said welcome in your other thread, but I will formally welcome you here too.




Helooooo and :welcome2:

Sure you will find what you are looking for and more, there are all kinds of inspirations on the forum besides from all the great advise and honesty!

HB :vroom:


Thanks to you all. :)
I hope I will also be able to give some help or advise to someone if I am able to do so for the particular problem. :)
Best regards to all. :p
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