I think PTSD is the foundation for my other problems ... it's been ongoing since infancy (literally). I have lived with this for nearly 60 years and in spite of everything I have learned and everything I have tried, it just keeps getting worse. There are times when I can almost forget, but most often it affects my daily life to a crippling degree. I don't believe I suffer from clinical depression; I believe I get depressed ... or maybe I should say discouraged ... because of the other problems, for which I receive no help.
I have no therapist (none available) and my dr (stuck with him because no one else is taking new patients) has judged me a neurotic attention-seeker with neither any health problems (of which I have several) and nothing really wrong mentally/emotionally save for a somatoform disorder which could be cured if only I'd "cooperate". He's always ready to hand out the anti-depressants (allergic) and the anti-psychotics (also allergic) to keep me quiet, but has no understanding of psych meds, the side-effects and so on, and of course he doesn't believe I'm allergic except in the case where he saw the reaction for himself. More to the point, he doesn't care what's wrong as long as I don't make a lot of work for him. I should be a good girl, shut my silly face, and accept his every word and judgment as gospel.
Anyway ...
I'm posting this to ask how other people with similar problems manage. I'm posting this in hope of ideas I haven't thought of yet or ways in which I can communicate these issues to my dr in terms he might take seriously or at least pay attention to long enough to do something helpful for once.
I'm going through an extremely rough patch ... the worst I can remember in nearly 20 years ... and would give anything for a way to get through it. The "pain" is indescribable, and while I'd say I'm quite a strong person, this is rapidly becoming more than I can handle. I wouldn't mind not having to wake up tomorrow, but the stubborn part of me which has kept me alive this long refuses to throw in the towel. If this keeps up, though, it's a pretty sure bet I'm going to fully dissociate and then I'll have no say in whatever happens next.
Right now I feel that the most important thing I can do for myself is find a way to break the cycle long enough to regain some kind of equilibrium. It won't make the pain go away, but it would probably at the very least keep me out of hospital and possibly save my life.
I'm not asking anyone to tell me what to do (that would be wrong of me on so many levels) ... I'm just trying to find out how others manage these type of problems. There's got to be something i haven't thought of yet.
Thanks ...
---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 AM ----------
I'm trying to find out if I would experience the same kind of side effects from all brands of antipsychotic. About 10 yrs ago my dr gave me Seroquel (sp?) for anxiety and sleep, and it worked really well on most of my worst symptoms - including anxiety and sleep - until the side effects became life-threatening. If there are others that are different enough that I might be able to tolerate them, I'd like to be able to look into them before I decide if it's worthwhile approaching my dr. I don't like the idea of meds, but I'm starting to think I have no other option, and apart from antidepressants, the only meds my dr will Rx are anti-psych.
---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------
How do you spell stupid? Well, it starts with a "P".
I was so desperate I went to the mental health people and asked for advice. They handed me over to some female person so cold I nearly got frostbite just being in the same room with her. I told her I was pretty sure I needed try a different anti-psych (I had a bad reaction to the one my dr had given me before so had quit taking them a couple of years ago) because I was starting to lose time and coming back to find I'd damaged myself. Nothing life-threatening, but enough to worry me. (Until the bad side effects started up, the med had worked really well.) I said I needed to to see a dr today ... before tonight, because night is when I'm most likely to disconnect but was getting nowhere on my own and did they have any suggestions. I don't know if I'll still be me by sunrise tomorrow.
For my troubles I was scolded, talked down to, and basically told I'd just have to get a grip and wait. It was strongly implied that if I couldn't keep myself from disconnecting it would be my fault for not trying hard enough.
Not only futile but degrading and humiliating.
And triggering.
And now on top of all that they want me to see the flying shrink for one of his 15-minute "assessments". This is same bonehead I saw about a year ago for about as long, and I know he'll only fix what ain't broke and make what needs fixing 100 times worse.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid ...

I have no therapist (none available) and my dr (stuck with him because no one else is taking new patients) has judged me a neurotic attention-seeker with neither any health problems (of which I have several) and nothing really wrong mentally/emotionally save for a somatoform disorder which could be cured if only I'd "cooperate". He's always ready to hand out the anti-depressants (allergic) and the anti-psychotics (also allergic) to keep me quiet, but has no understanding of psych meds, the side-effects and so on, and of course he doesn't believe I'm allergic except in the case where he saw the reaction for himself. More to the point, he doesn't care what's wrong as long as I don't make a lot of work for him. I should be a good girl, shut my silly face, and accept his every word and judgment as gospel.
Anyway ...
I'm posting this to ask how other people with similar problems manage. I'm posting this in hope of ideas I haven't thought of yet or ways in which I can communicate these issues to my dr in terms he might take seriously or at least pay attention to long enough to do something helpful for once.
I'm going through an extremely rough patch ... the worst I can remember in nearly 20 years ... and would give anything for a way to get through it. The "pain" is indescribable, and while I'd say I'm quite a strong person, this is rapidly becoming more than I can handle. I wouldn't mind not having to wake up tomorrow, but the stubborn part of me which has kept me alive this long refuses to throw in the towel. If this keeps up, though, it's a pretty sure bet I'm going to fully dissociate and then I'll have no say in whatever happens next.
Right now I feel that the most important thing I can do for myself is find a way to break the cycle long enough to regain some kind of equilibrium. It won't make the pain go away, but it would probably at the very least keep me out of hospital and possibly save my life.
I'm not asking anyone to tell me what to do (that would be wrong of me on so many levels) ... I'm just trying to find out how others manage these type of problems. There's got to be something i haven't thought of yet.
Thanks ...
---------- Post added at 08:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 AM ----------
I'm trying to find out if I would experience the same kind of side effects from all brands of antipsychotic. About 10 yrs ago my dr gave me Seroquel (sp?) for anxiety and sleep, and it worked really well on most of my worst symptoms - including anxiety and sleep - until the side effects became life-threatening. If there are others that are different enough that I might be able to tolerate them, I'd like to be able to look into them before I decide if it's worthwhile approaching my dr. I don't like the idea of meds, but I'm starting to think I have no other option, and apart from antidepressants, the only meds my dr will Rx are anti-psych.
---------- Post added at 04:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 AM ----------
How do you spell stupid? Well, it starts with a "P".
I was so desperate I went to the mental health people and asked for advice. They handed me over to some female person so cold I nearly got frostbite just being in the same room with her. I told her I was pretty sure I needed try a different anti-psych (I had a bad reaction to the one my dr had given me before so had quit taking them a couple of years ago) because I was starting to lose time and coming back to find I'd damaged myself. Nothing life-threatening, but enough to worry me. (Until the bad side effects started up, the med had worked really well.) I said I needed to to see a dr today ... before tonight, because night is when I'm most likely to disconnect but was getting nowhere on my own and did they have any suggestions. I don't know if I'll still be me by sunrise tomorrow.
For my troubles I was scolded, talked down to, and basically told I'd just have to get a grip and wait. It was strongly implied that if I couldn't keep myself from disconnecting it would be my fault for not trying hard enough.
Not only futile but degrading and humiliating.
And triggering.
And now on top of all that they want me to see the flying shrink for one of his 15-minute "assessments". This is same bonehead I saw about a year ago for about as long, and I know he'll only fix what ain't broke and make what needs fixing 100 times worse.
Stupid stupid stupid stupid ...