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Recently I lost my grandmother (88) who lived a wonderful life and was a fabulous woman to cancer. She was my heart and soul and I loved her so much. It has been more than a month since her passing and i can't go a day without thinking of her. It makes me tear up to know that i will never see her in physical form again, to talk to her and hear her voice. I was able to spend some great time with her before her passing but the thought of her being gone for good just haunts me. I believe it is what has triggered my depression episode that i am coping with. But the pain of her passing is physical. I physically feel like my heart is broken. I just wish to see her again and talk to her. Does anyone on here believe in the afterlife and contact with the departed? im skeptical but i still talk to her as if she were still here. i have to believe that i will indeed see her again when my time comes. i just miss her so much i don't know how to deal with these thoughts and emotions. I never feel much in the way of feelings but when i think of her that is one thing i feel. a deep sadness and just pain of loss. i also lost my paternal grandfather two weeks later to emphesema.. so i went through the loss of two grandparents in a short span of time. it is hard to think that life is so fragile. anyone have any tips on how to really cherish living and be happy for the life we have? as i would have gladly changed places with her to see her alive today as she was phenomenal and to have to live without her seems almost useless. thoughts?
I am sorry for your loss Jolie and I agree with you in that it feels like your heart is physically breaking. I will feel like I have come to accept the loss and "am over it" then it will hit me all over again - the pain of knowing you'll never being able to physically see them again. I like to hold the thought that there is an afterlife and that the loved ones have been restored to their painfree, healthier states - and that they get to reconnect with all the people they themselves had lost over the years.

I still talk to them and because they lived a long life, I have many, many years of memories to draw from and think about - and photographs to look at. I still worry I will forget.... the sound of their voice, their mannerisms, all the little details. I do believe they live forever in your heart though.

I know they would not want me to always be sad, but I do think they would be honoured when I cry (in private) tears of sadness because I miss them with all my heart. I think they would be moved to know how much they mattered to me.


I don't have any thoughts or tips Jolie, sorry. I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear of the passing of both of your grandparents. :support:
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