More threads by Ashley-Kate

tonight i am going to a sort of groupe kind of likeAA meatings but for e-d's i am really nervous because i was going to go to one yesterday but u sort of chickened out when i got there and didn't go in, the thing that stresses me out even more is the fact that this meeting although i know they are very qualified people there is going to be given at the hospital that i was hospitalised at 3 times when i was a minor so it is just a bit odd going back in there. I have had a rough week and i know that i need to go to this at least until i get some sort of therapie close to my new place. My grand-father past away friday and it is pretty hard for me to take cause i know that i on't be going to the funeral that is today do to the distance and the lack of time i have to get there. Since friday i have been alone my brother and sister in law are out of town so i have there appartment for the week and lets just say a bulimique alone in an appartment is not such a good idea. I have always considered myself anorexique and well that is also my first diagnostic but in the last couple of weeks everything has went the opposite direction although it started off very slowly now it has gotten pretty bad. I know that is why i should go tonight i just really need to get this under controle before class starts cause if i am like this for too long i don't think i am going to be pohysicly able to finish my semester


Re: losing it


I would really encourage you to try and get to that meeting tonight. Although it may be difficult to walk back in there it can only help you and it is definitely what you want before starting classes.

Good luck with the meeting and let us know how it goes.
hey ! well i went , it was really weird cause i was afraid to be the youngest but they were all about my age! i enjoyed my time there it helped i guess to not be locked up in doors. i made a friend she gave me her number but well i think i am going to let things go just a bit i dont want to go back into a close relationship with a girl with an e-d lost too many people to get close to someone.but she seems nice.anyway i guess thats all for now. chow



I am really happy to hear that you went to the group and that it was a positive experience. I know that it took a lot of courage to go at all and you should be proud of yourself :2thumbs:
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