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Hey guys, thanks so much for all your support since I have been part of the forum. After much thought, I decided it is no longer good for me to have the internet so I am getting it disconnected, it has just become something I am using to avoid being around people. I am spending all my time alone and I dont answer my phone, I just sit and worry and I can't stop. So, I don't think it is healthy for me to live like this and I have to do something drastic so I am forced to leave my home and talk to people. Maybe I would if I didn't have the internet to fall back on, I don't know. I have to try something, so two more days and its gone, Its a bit scary but maybe I will get it again one day when I feel like I have my life under a little more control. I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me and all the advice and kindness. This site is amazing, best one around, really.


Account Closed
Well thank you kindly Moonriver. :)
Do you have a library near you or internet cafe. We like having you around. If there is internet access near you then you can be around people and stay connected to the forum. A win/win situation. :)


Ladylore has a good idea. Internet cafes are great :)

Either way, good luck Moonriver and you will be missed.

Take care


Moonriver I feel the same way, Mark says I spend way too much time on the net and I should go out myself for coffees/walks but I say I'm okay, good luck and hope to see you around occasionally:)


Good luck to you, Moonriver!! I think you're being very brave and may be on to'll never know until you try, right? ;)

As for the internet, in addition to cafe's you can always check out your local public library. they often have internet services and they are time limited so there's a lesser risk of getting stuck in the cyber world.

Do drop us a note whenver you get a chance and let us know how things are working out for you. :hug:


Thanks alot, you guys, that is a great idea, then I can still keep up with all of you once in awhile if I use the internet at the library or the big bookstore might have it, I don't know, but I will check it out and maybe I can go once in awhile in the evening or something as soon as I figure out where that is. Anyway, this is my last night with the internet at home, thanks so much for all your suggestions Lana, they have been awesome and the rest of you too.
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