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I probably should have put this in the gender differences catagoy, but I did not think about it at the time.

I think that there is something to the whole lovemap concept because as we all know men and women can and do think and act very differently.

Part of it is based upon evolution and biology while other parts tend to relate to both culture and the way in which we are raised.

Another area that I believe that is a strong influence on all of this is the media as we all know that media can and does send messages to both guys and girls about how they are supposed to think and act. A good example of this would be not only the cosmetics industry that basically teaches girls that if they look and act a certain way then they are likely to attract a guy.

Guys have similar messages being thrown at them as well. One message that was popular when I was a kid is that boys are supposed to be rough and tough and that they are not supposed to cry as that tends to show that they are weak, whereas girls were basically taught to be submissive.

This applies not only in American culture but in other cultures around the world as well. One example of this is the way that women are taught in Japan on how to treat a man.

Other examples of this can also be found in the christian religion and in the Bible.

I have been studying this and I have been trying to figure it all out, but without much luck. The closest that I have come to understanding it is through books that I have relating to marketing to women and through some of the writings by Dr. Warren Farrell. One book that is particularly eye opening and that tends to get a person thinking about stuff like this is his book 'Why men are the way they are'.

I started studying this because I wanted to know what I did right and wrong in a relationship that I had with a girl in 1987, but since that time it has also gotten me to think about even earlier interactions and influences and from what I can determine so far a lot of it for me started sometime either around the age of 5 or 6 or maybe even a little earlier with a girl that once stayed at my parents house who was going to go to Disneyland.

That was in the early 70's. Outside of that the only other things that I can think of that might have been an influence on me was a movie that I remember seeing when I was in elementary school which was about gender differences. I can't remember the name of the movie, but I do remember that it had a dark haired woman that was basically narrating and hosting the movie. I have tried to look up the name of the movie and the woman via the movie database IMDB, but so far I can't find it at all.

While I can't say for sure I am thinking that what caused me to want to meet the girl that I met in 1987 was based on previous interactions and media influence. One interaction and influence that think may have made me want to talk to this girl probably occured when I was in the 3rd grade with a blonde haired girl that met and that I thought I had a relationship with for a while.

I am asking myself these questions so that I can try to figure out as to what my own attraction circuitry is and as to what I might need to do to myself to make myself more attractive and popular with members of the opposite sex.

For those who don't know as to what the game is, it is all about the dating, mating, and relating scene that has been going on between men and women since the dawn of time and I believe that it is important to understand because whether we like it or not men and women can and will not only seek each other out for things like romance and sex, but also because both genders are now working in the workforce and understanding it better as well as the game can help to understand not only yourself better, but others as well and from a business standpoint it can also help to cut down on the number sexual harrassment claims and charges that can and do happen to both individuals and to companies and whether people like it or not companies do have a legal obigation to this because they can and will be held legally liable for any and all sexual harrassment cases that might occur on their property and that is something that both the courts and the government are taking very, very seriously.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Another area that I believe that is a strong influence on all of this is the media as we all know that media can and does send messages to both guys and girls about how they are supposed to think and act. A good example of this would be not only the cosmetics industry that basically teaches girls that if they look and act a certain way then they are likely to attract a guy.

See Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls by Mary Pipher (Ballantine Books, 1995).

Guys have similar messages being thrown at them as well. One message that was popular when I was a kid is that boys are supposed to be rough and tough and that they are not supposed to cry as that tends to show that they are weak, whereas girls were basically taught to be submissive.




See Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls by Mary Pipher (Ballantine Books, 1995).


That growing up male link was very interesting to read.

Some of the books that I have been introduced to are 'The Mating Mind', 'The Mating Game', 'Driven: How human nature shapes our choices', 'Marketing to women', and a number of other books relating to the subject.

I also have 'Absent Fathers, Lost Sons', 'Man Enough: Fathers, Sons, and the search for maculinity', 'Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities', 'Genderspeak, Men, Women, and the Gentle art of verbal self defense'.

I've got so many books relating to dating, mating, and relating that I have collected over the years. Some have been recommended to me while others are ones that I have found on my own.

All of it is stuff that I got to help me to try to understand things that I have not only been taught but have also experienced personally and that is why I am looking back at all of my interactions with women as I am trying to understand as to what I have been doing right and wrong with them and I am trying to figure out as to what I need to change about both myself and my life so that I am more successfull with them and so that I can try to avoid a lot of the scams and bs that are out there as I am tired of being lied to and and manipulated by people.

The way that I see it now especially when it comes to the dating, mating and relating scene is that I am not going to give a woman anything unless I really want to and even then that is going to be limited to girls that I am already in a relationship with and am having sex with.
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