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I've been on 100mg of Luvox for a few months and have found it immensely helpful. I've been doing some additional research on it and found this statement:

Fluvoxamine is one of the few SSRIs to have a monocyclic structure.

What does this mean? Is this good or bad?

Daniel E.
I think good or indifferent:

Not only are SSRIs chemically different from the tricyclic, tetracyclic and other antidepressant agents, considerable structural differences also exist between the various SSRIs. Fluvoxamine is the only monocyclic SSRI and belongs to the 2-aminoethyl oxime ethers of aralkylketones.[SIZE=-1] Therefore, some differential pharmacology between the drugs in the same class may be expected.

Tolerability and safety of fluvoxamine and other antidepressants[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]From what I read, Wellbutrin also has a monocyclic (single ring) structure.

In contrast are the tricyclic antidepressants since they have three rings in their chemical structure.

Prozac is bicyclic since it has two rings.


I tried to read through the information on that link, and, well, anything to do with chemistry is Greek to me. Maybe I'll just ask my psychiatrist my questions about remaining on it ;). Thanks though :).
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