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I'm wondering if anyone here who has Bipolar or something similar indicates that on a Medic Alert-type bracelet? Because of the amount of medication I'm taking, I'm wondering if it's something worth considering.

I think it is a good idea When my daughter ended up in emergency no one knew abt her diagnosis so did not treat her with medication she needed if she had this information on a bracelet it would have helped the health professionals and her


That's kind of what I'm thinking. Worst case scenario without it is that they give me something that interacts horribly, best case scenario is that they don't give me anything and then I end up manic or something.
Yes the kind doctor in the hospital my duaghter ended up in ask me to get a medic alert braclet or have a medic card on my daughter as he was not aware of any of her illness. She ended up in a strange hospital one that did not know her. He said it would make things more easier for the people in emergency to treat her. I think having a medic alert bracelet for any illness is wise epilepsy diabeties etc just so it is not missed psychosis etc.
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