More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think we should have tiny ones for cats that say "Feed me" so they can just hold out their paw with the bracelet and not have to go to all the effort of waking up, standing up, and meowing.


Re: Medic Alert Bracelet?

Or you could just be proactive and make sure their bowl is always full so they wouldn't have to wake you up. :whistle:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Medic Alert Bracelet?

I think we should have tiny ones for cats that say "Feed me" so they can just hold out their paw with the bracelet and not have to go to all the effort of waking up, standing up, and meowing.

Or you could just be proactive and make sure their bowl is always full so they wouldn't have to wake you up. :whistle:

I think somebody needs to wake you up... and your suggestion only works for *hairball gag* DRY food... :panic:


Re: Medic Alert Bracelet?

But if their bowl was always full they wouldn't have to wake up, stand up, or meow. Clearly your cats have you *very* well trained. Fool.

You can put out wet food. You have to connect the misting machine so it consistently mists it though...that's all.
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Re: Medic Alert Bracelet?

Now you can't decide if I'm a dog or a person...sheesh.

It's time to talk about more important things, anyway. I got a phone call today. It was Las Vegas...begging me to come back. Not being one to disappoint, I'm thinking of gracing the United States of America with my presence for a few days.


It's such a shame your cats have manipulated you into thinking the way you do. Cats bring nothing to people except dead mice and the occasional dead bird. Cats don't realize they are not people. Maybe cat people think they're cats. :confused:

Daniel E.
Re: Medic Alert Bracelet?

Not being one to disappoint, I'm thinking of gracing the United States of America with my presence for a few days.
Just remember to buy a medic alert watch before you go and have it engraved with "allergic to non-Canadian bacon."


Actually I got my first cats when I was five. "Pumpkin" and "Bingo". When they died we got Shadow and Rusty. I've actually been wanting another cat lately, but I have to choose between a puppy or a cat and the puppy will win.


Oh I paid lots of attention to them. But there's no denying I can do alot more with dogs than cats. I still miss Punky and Bingo. Punky died October 27, 1987 and Bingo died December 14, 1991.


It's such a shame your cats have manipulated you into thinking the way you do. Cats bring nothing to people except dead mice and the occasional dead bird. Cats don't realize they are not people. Maybe cat people think they're cats. :confused:

Look, this wasn't meant to come across the way it did. I'm sorry if I offended you.

Daniel E.
Don't forget to plug your new book, Feline Therapy: Why You Should Fire Your Therapist and Get Three Feral Cats :D
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