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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Men Abused by Female Partners Suffer Psychologically
May 2nd 2011

Men who experience abuse at the hands of their female partners may suffer significant psychological distress, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suicidal thoughts, according to two studies published in the April issue of Psychology of Men & Masculinity.

Anna A. Randle, Psy.D., from the Children's Service of the Oxfordshire County Council in Oxford, U.K., and Cynthia A. Graham, Ph.D., from Brunel University in Uxbridge, U.K., reviewed evidence on the effect intimate partner violence (IPV) has on men. They found that men who experience IPV may experience adverse psychological consequences, and note that depression, PTSD, and suicide have been documented.

In another study, Denise A. Hines, Ph.D., of Clark University in Worcester, Mass., and Emily M. Douglas, of Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, investigated the association between IPV and PTSD in 302 men who had sought professional help after experiencing intimate terrorism (IT) and 520 men randomly selected from the community to discuss their relationship, 16 percent of whom said they had sustained minor acts of violent and psychological abuse during arguments with their female partners. The associations between IPV and PTSD were significant in both groups, but those who experienced IT were exponentially more likely to exceed the clinical cut-off for PTSD measures.

"The path models predicting PTSD symptoms differed for both samples, indicating that perhaps treatment implications differ by group as well," Hines and colleagues write.
Sadly, that article does not surprise me. Domestic abuse is not gender-specific.

From my understanding, the abuse that happens to men is under-reported; and that is why people get the impression that it is rare, or does not actually happen.
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