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It's not your fault (Respond SA)

"It's not your fault, men talking about living beyond the effects of sexual abuse" is the culmination of years of work by men dedicated to helping others cope with the effects of child sexual abuse.

Respond SA (Relationships Australia) Andre Groome, the driving force behind the booklet said, " People hardly ever talk about the sexual abuse of young males, meaning that quite often, men who were sexually abused as children live their lives thinking they were the only one. However we know from the research that about one in six men were subjected to child sexual abuse."

"It's the isolation that intensifies the effects of abuse, such as feelings of shame and self blame"

Quotes from men who were sexually abused as children form a significant part of the booklet. One contributor, John hoped the booklet would give other survivors hope and strength.

"I want to show other men out there that they are not alone, that they can be released from the shame, the guilt, and the ongoing effects of abuse. I know a lot of people don't address childhood sexual abuse until later on, usually after devastating consequences because they don't know how to live a normal life. "

"I advise men to address the effects of abuse as early as possible and break the cycle. Just being able to speak out has healing qualities. Often survivors don't know what choices are available for them, but this booklet lays it all out."

"It's not your fault" sends a strong message that men are much more than the sexual abuse they were subjected to and the effects it has on their lives. It explains:
  1. "Abuse of power that occurs during sexual abuse
  2. "Effects of manipulation and betrayal
  3. "Ways young people and adults have acted to protect themselves from painful effects of abuse

"It's not your fault" is also available for professionals, family members or friends who may be supporting male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. "It's not your fault" is available for download from the Respond SA website Respond SA here.


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