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I've been struggling with restless legs straight for a couple of days now. It just isn't going away. I want to do something awful to my stupid legs. I am going to mention this to my doctor the next time I see her. It's pretty miserable. :( I've read it can be related to anemia and I wonder if this is true in my case.
Re: Miserable

I find if they are stretched out and elevated it gets worse and that if I fold my legs under me and sit on my feet, or double them up so my feet are up on the seat of a chair too and my knees are up by my chin that that helps. Other than that, getting up and walking around and stamping my feet is an alternative. These options aren't terribly conducive to sleeping though... I'm sorry you are suffering - restless legs aren't any fun.
Re: Miserable

Thank you both so much. Thank you, Marcel, for the tips. I will try that when I'm up. I appreciate the advice. :)
Re: Miserable

I was told that being low in Iron might cause Restless Leg Syndrome. I have RLS not sure if it because of being low on Iron. My blood work doesn't say I have low Iron levels but my Psychiatrist said anything under 50 could cause RLS. He also said Lorazepam(brand name Ativan) can help with that also.

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