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Crazy Cat

I'm warning you now, its LONG. Sorry about that.

When I was around 13 years old, my brother-in-law molested me.

I was babysitting for my sister & him for their 3 yr old and 1 year old kids. I slept on the couch. They came in around 3am & went upstairs to bed. A little while later, "Bob" came back down & started tickling me, etc. Asking questions you don't normally ask a 13 year old.

I told my sister and she said she'd speak with him. Later, she said that explained that he thought I was her because he was tired & drunk. She bought it, hook, line & sinker. Then he got hold of me and threatened to hurt my sister and the baby if I ever said anything to anyone again. (NOTE: It was not long before that time that he had hit my sister and knocked her tooth out). So....her husband hit her and molested her little sister and she STILL stayed with him!

The tickling, touching, trying to get me take my clothes off, etc went on until I was about 15. Then after that he would grab my ass behind my parent's back and when he got the chance he'd tell me how much he wanted to "f" me. I only told one of my sisters and she was actually witness to it once when I was around 17.

I was lucky enough that any time he started to get really bad, someone would show up and his plans would be ruined.

When I was in my late 30's I finally told my mother. We agreed to not tell my dad because we didn't want him in jail for murder. I actually regret this ALOT.
When I was around 40 I started to really think about the abuse and thinking that he thinks he got away with it. I wanted to say something to him, even if it was in private that I still remember what he did. My mother didn't want me to because she said "I'd ruin their marriage". What??!!?? I said HE ruined it, not me! But I didn't say anything anyway.

My mom passed away this past July. For some reason I'm really dwelling on this thing with "Bob". Could be because with the inheritance we'll be getting, I feel that he's being rewarded in a way....he's reaping the benefits. My sister, who was an alcoholic (and possibly still is) has been a thorn in the side of my brothers & sisters about the estate.

I have 7 brothers & sisters. We all agreed, except for "Bob's" wife (my sister) that we'd make arrangements for my oldest sister to purchase my mom's house and we'd split the proceeds from the sale of her house, which isn't worth as much as my mom's. This sister said she doesn't care what anyone does but she wants her full share. She wants to give her house to her son and use the money to buy a condo.

So I feel like "Bob" is benefiting from my mother's death. I actually think my sister was hoping my mom would die after hearing some things she had said in the hospital.

It took me 20 years to realize that what happened with this stupid b-i-l has
contributed to my personality disorder & depression. He had a hand in my life being miserable. AAAGGHHH!!!! It ****es me off so much!!!

Oh, and does my sister know it went on??? I have no idea but I'd be surprised if she didn't. Once when I was about 20 years old, again I was babysitting for them. My sister was in the shower and I was doing her dishes. "Bob" was trying to kiss me. I turned around with a HUGE knife and told him I'd cut him if he ever did it again. That was the last time. He never approached me again.

Thing is now, knowing I have "mental" disorders, my family believes that I would kill him if I had the chance. (Isn't it funny how some people have such convoluted views of mental illness?) I just want him to be miserable. I don't want him to think its all forgotten and no one knows. Actually, my entire family now knows (except for, I'm assuming, his wife), but not one person, not a one of them, helped me. Back when I was 17, I told my 2 brothers who always bragged they'd hurt anyone who bothered me. When I told them, they laughed and told me to stay away from him, like it was my fault.

In all honesty, part of the reason I didn't tell my father was that it was going to go one of two ways with him; either he'd kill "Bob" or he'd say I was asking for it. I was too afraid of the latter to say anything.

Anyone have any advice????



Dear Adriane, I was thinking about your post today and wondering if there is anything helpful that I could say. You touch on so many issues but what strikes me the most is the betrayal and hurt caused by people that you should be able to trust. Along with this you have your illness 'mental disorders' to deal with and of course the anger you feel. I looked around the forum a bit and I think that at least this one particular post is relevant. I will try to put a direct link for you to read it over. It is long but very good and it is maybe the first step toward healing. Good for anyone to read. :support: Mari


Crazy Cat, I am going to give you a poem that has helped me more than once. I was molested by my dad and found this poem about 10 years ago. Mary Oliver is my most favourite poet.
I don't think it is going to be very helpful trying to make your brother-in-law miserable. It's making you miserable. Try to find a therapist and work through your feelings about the abuse. Your therapist might, some day, suggest that you either tell or write the BIL. And then again, she may not. However, having someone who is objective listen to us is always a great help. Good luck, P

The Journey by Mary Oliver

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice—
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do—
determined to save
the only life you could save.
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I can't tell you how much I feel for you, for what you have been through. I was also molested from the age of 3 and then at 15, he tried to rape me. For years I was very ashamed and very afraid. It did take over my life for a while until one day I decided I would not be his victim anymore. I did what I had to do, let it all go. He died a little over a year ago, never apologized but I still forgave him and moved on. By forgiving him, I took away his control over my emotions, my spirit. He had no control, no way to hurt me as I took that away from him by forgiving him. I became a survivor rather than a victim. What was done to you, was wrong, it is a criminal offense. I hope someday you will find peace and be able to say, I am a survivor, not his victim, he lost, not me because I am strong regardless of his futile attempts to control me, I am a winner.

Crazy Cat

Mari, Weeze & SoSo,

Thanks so much for your responses. I'm glad I'm not alone (but not glad that it happened to you guys....I think you know what I mean) but I'm glad that you also have dealt with the same feelings.

Weeze, the poem is beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes. I think it was exactly what I needed at the moment and I thank you for that. I'm going to print it and put it on my bulletin board so I see it everyday.

You said there was no point in trying to make my bil miserable because its making me miserable. I realized as I read that line that my intention isn't to make him miserable. My intention is to just say "I remember", which is probably kindof stupid since I would think its obvious.

Funny husband ran into him yesterday at some deli. He said he came walking over with his hand waving over his head yelling "Hi Chuck!!" (my husband can't stand him). I had to laugh and I even said (this is the truth), I don't hate him. I pity him. And I actually feel sorry for him because he thinks he's the "fun" guy everybody loves. Yet, everyone in my family CAN'T STAND him!! He's such a loser but doesn't know it.

I have so many other things I could be stressing about....I shouldn't even give these thoughts the privilege of being stressed out about.

SoSo mentioned that she refuses to be a victim. I guess I really came off sounding like that but that really isn't it. I think I'm hurt more by my family turning their back on me when I needed them. Some of my family knew when I was still a kid but most of them didn't find out until I was an adult. My thoughts are that they didn't know how to react and how to handle something that happened years ago. But I also think my family feels the way I do about him. Nobody likes him, yet he's family.

I know, I'm not making any sense at all. Today (Christmas...or should I say yesterday) I realized there are way more important things I could stress out about (like I need a reason, right?) I had gone to the cemetery with my sister to my parents grave. It was the first time I saw my mom's name and her birth & death dates. THAT was more than hard. Christmas without her was hard. It wasn't even really Christmas, just another rotten day.

Also, not everything can be blamed on B-I-L. I was very badly verbally abused from childhood til I moved out of my parents house. My dad was an alcoholic, so any minor infraction turned into a 3 hour yell/lecture. I love my dad and even though it shaped my life today, I know he did what he knew. My mom didn't interfere with him too much because you can't reason with an alcoholic. But when she did stand up to him, MAN..that lady was tough! Yet she was reserved, never said a bad thing about anyone, etc.

Just a quick story thats cute..... my two sisters were walking home from grammar school one day and some neighborhood bully started messing with them. I think he hit one of my sisters so they both pushed him into sticker-bushes. My sisters didn't tell my mom but later that day, the boy's mother rang the front doorbell and said to my mom "look what your daughters did to my boy". My mother told the woman that she'd take care of it, blah, blah, blah. My mom closes the front door behind her and laughs hysterically!! She just found it so funny that this bully got beat up by two girls! And all they did was throw him in the bushes. My mother praised my sisters for standing up to him, but she always taught us, never throw the first punch.

Mom's mantra: Never put your hands on anyone first, never hit first. But if they hit you once, MAKE THEM BLEED. They'll never touch you again.

That may be the best advice I ever got.


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You said there was no point in trying to make my bil miserable because its making me miserable. I realized as I read that line that my intention isn't to make him miserable. My intention is to just say "I remember", which is probably kind of stupid since I would think its obvious.

Not at all stupid, CC. Sometimes, confronting our abusers empowers us, it's a way of acknowledging that it did happen, that it was important to US. Even if those around us never really understand the repercussions of the abuse. It's a way of acknowledging our truth, even at a time when we may feel that those around us couldn't / wouldn't. I would be tempted to confront him - let him know where he stands in your books.

Funny husband ran into him yesterday at some deli. He said he came walking over with his hand waving over his head yelling "Hi Chuck!!" (my husband can't stand him). I had to laugh and I even said (this is the truth), I don't hate him. I pity him. And I actually feel sorry for him because he thinks he's the "fun" guy everybody loves. Yet, everyone in my family CAN'T STAND him!! He's such a loser but doesn't know it.
I have so many other things I could be stressing about....I shouldn't even give these thoughts the privilege of being stressed out about.

I don't like pitying my abuser because, from experience, it opens me to vulnerability - again. When I pity him, it's another opportunity for him to victimize me again.

I do however believe in shifting the focus back to you - it's ok to be angry with him for what he did back then. It's even ok to set some serious boundaries about where precisely he's going to be in your life. Maybe nowhere?

And, I also believe in forgiveness - but not for him specifically. Forgiveness for yourself so that you my move forward in all of this. But, he does not deserve your pity - he was / is a sexual predator. It's hard for me to feel pity for them anymore when I consider their ravages. Making him accountable for his wrongs doesn't necessarily entail telling the whole family. But, if confronting him can give YOU peace - go for it.

SoSo mentioned that she refuses to be a victim. I guess I really came off sounding like that but that really isn't it. I think I'm hurt more by my family turning their back on me when I needed them. Some of my family knew when I was still a kid but most of them didn't find out until I was an adult. My thoughts are that they didn't know how to react and how to handle something that happened years ago. But I also think my family feels the way I do about him. Nobody likes him, yet he's family.

We don't always have to 'like' our family members. And I've recently learned the limitations of my own family. I can still love them - with plenty of boundaries so that they no longer have an opportunity to hurt me in their processes. If I need support, I turn to my friends - that's where I know that I'll always get it.

I know, I'm not making any sense at all. Today (Christmas...or should I say yesterday) I realized there are way more important things I could stress out about (like I need a reason, right?) I had gone to the cemetery with my sister to my parents grave. It was the first time I saw my mom's name and her birth & death dates. THAT was more than hard. Christmas without her was hard. It wasn't even really Christmas, just another rotten day.

Christmas does seem to bring back memories of those that we've lost. But, maybe we can just cherish those memories, celebrate the people and the time that we had with them? I don't know. I still struggle with this a little at times. In my imagination, I just give them a quiet little hug at this time of year.

Crazy Cat

Thanks for your reply. You make alot of sense.

As for "liking family"'re preaching to the choir! With 7 brothers & sisters plus something like 20 nieces, nephews, great nieces & great nephews, there's bound to be people you just don't like. I've about had it with at least 3 of my siblings. Actually, 4. I've always known what they're made of, but in the last 6 month they've shown some shocking behavior that I have to wonder if they were raised by my parents....greed, selfish, self-centeredness, etc. It illuminated just how different we are. I don't know if I'll ever forgive them for what they've said and/or done.

Now, when I say I pity my b-i-l, I always find that strange that I do. Yet that is my first reaction. I can't say I truly "feel sorry" for him, but pity is the right word. I think part of the reason he tries to be so friendly to my family is that he doesn't want to be "found out" for what he really is. I don't know, I seem to change my mind every day.

One thing I was totally concerned about was my 3 nieces. When this went on with me, I was 17-18. This was the part he would grab my butt and talk dirty but didn't do all the touching as before. (And yes, I feel mad at myself for being so old and so stupid and naive). Anyway, my nieces were 13, 11 & 10. I asked them if "Bob" had ever talked to them or touched them in any inappropriate way. They said he didn't. I told them that if he did, no matter what he threatened if they told anyone, that they can come to me and he'd never know. I explained to them that I had been one of his targets and I understood. Luckily, as far as they've told me, he never bothered them. This was over 26 years ago. (wow....I'm getting damn old!) I recently asked their mom (my other sister) if the girls had ever told her I spoke to them about "Bob". She didn't know anything about it.

If he had done something to them, I had it in my mind at the time that I'd kill him. Or at least maim him good. I was really close with these 3 nieces and since they were growing into beautiful young women, I worried for them.

Well.....I appreciate your response. It helps me get my thoughts straightened out talking to people who are not close to the situation but understand it.
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