More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Music and the Deaf
The Scout Report
September 10, 2010
The Music and the Deaf organization was started in England by Paul Whittaker. Whittaker had applied to 12 universities to study music, but was turned down solely because he was deaf. After being accepted at Wadham College at Oxford, and studying at several others, Whittaker started the organization in 1988 in his parent's home.

Visitors will find that the website for this one-of-kind organization has videos of performances under the Projects link, a schedule of Theatre performances in England that are signed by sign language interpreters, and a list of the many different ways to be involved, also under the Projects link. Visitors shouldn't miss the SignBank link under Projects, to watch two videos of songs, Song of the Fish and The Jungle Song being signed. The Videos link provides clips of several features on the BBC, as well as on Telegraph TV.
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