I saw my doctor today and was hoping she'd increase my Wellbutrin to 300mgs / day. Instead, she left me on 150 and introduced Effexor as well. She thinks my dysthymia is "morphing" into a more severe depressive disorder, which dysthymia is known to do I guess.
Is anyone else taking both simulataneously? Have you had any problems? I guess it's quite common she said, except most people start on Effexor and add Wellbutrin, not the other way around.
I'm scared to death of introducing a new med. I go back in two weeks. Part of me is hoping it won't do anything or it will have side effects so I can just go on a higher dose of Wellbutrin, which I'm used to and don't mind being on. But, she said she thinks I need an SSRI as well.
Is anyone else taking both simulataneously? Have you had any problems? I guess it's quite common she said, except most people start on Effexor and add Wellbutrin, not the other way around.
I'm scared to death of introducing a new med. I go back in two weeks. Part of me is hoping it won't do anything or it will have side effects so I can just go on a higher dose of Wellbutrin, which I'm used to and don't mind being on. But, she said she thinks I need an SSRI as well.