More threads by bigben70


Hi gang.

I really like this community (what I've seen so far). I hope I can contribute here, and maybe exchange with others who have been through similar stuff. I have my problems like everyone else, but through constant effort over the last 15 years or so, and help from fantastic doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists, I think my life has gone in a far far better direction than I would ever have hoped. I won't go into my history right now, but let's just say that mommy's vile predictions for me didn't come true for me. She was not well then and is not well now. Her chances of recovery in her lifetime (given her past) is slim - she has never once sought help for her issues/problems in her entire life (she always had others to blame).

I am 40 now and although I've (tried) to make good life decisions as an adult and be 'my own person' in the last 15 or so years, I still feel like how I was raised and what I was told and taught as a child will always remain a part of me. I still struggle at times to overcome old patterns of behavior and thought. It's seems so very easy to revert back to old ways - but very hard to forge our own path and be consistent at making positive life choices. I'm veeeery careful about what I say to my kids and what I teach them - especially what I teach them about themselves.

Anyways, I stumbled opon this place and the energy here feels very positive. (actually I've seen this door many a time but never knocked).

I think I just might stay here a while and see if I can contribute in a positive way! I really like to write and I REALLY like to give people encouragement and share my own experiences in a helpful way.

Big Ben
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