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Hi, my name is Jessa and I have Bipolar type II. I am currently a college student who wants a real paying job because i've been told too many times that because I am Bipolar I probably can't have a successful career. I want to prove those people wrong. I have not too many things to say right now other than I am lucky because I have a great partner who will carry me through and make the sacrifices needed for my health. Unfortunately, I wish my family were the same. They look at me like I'm crazy and like I'm different (which is true) however this makes me feel like a total alien. Today is just one of those "why am I still here?" days and thus concludes my introduction. Thank you for reading.


Hello Jessa and welcome to Psychlinks. Sometimes family members have difficulty coming to terms with mental health issues of fellow family members for a variety of reasons, most of which seem to deal with stigma, myths and denial.

The issue is theirs and not yours, so focus on the support of your partner and other positive support resources at your disposal. As an adult, you don't need your family's approval in making your own choices for the control of your life. It would be nice if they would support you, but if they don't it's their loss.

Hope you find some of the information and support you need here.

Glad you've joined us.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I will also add that many many people with Bipolar Disorder have long and successful and rewarding careers. The key is to work with your doctors to find the right medications and to be careful to take them regularly.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Welcome Jessa!

With the right resources, medication management, etc, you'll have every chance of doing good stuff in your life... and you have enough belief in yourself to go looking for good things and not necessarily believe all the stories you've been told about yourself. Your own support is the biggest support that you need, and it sounds like you can count on that.

Places like this and other positive support sources are excellent to use too. Maybe a support group or support community of people with bipolar can further inspire you as to how people have overcome challenges and that it can be done. Reading peoples stories of those topics is great too.

Best wishes!
Welcome, jessa.

"Today is just one of those "why am I still here?""
-you are still here because you still have purpose and things to do
Hi Jessa and good for you fighting and showing the people with ignorance that you too can have a career and have what you want in life
As said hun with right medication you can be stable and chose whatever path you want in life hugs
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