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She does on her website. Well, at least the mom. Now that I think of it I don't even know who dad is. I wanted one from Duchess because she is the smallest female. Obviously can't guarantee anything but these piglets should top out at about 20lbs if raised properly. I'm so excited. Not sure how I'm gonna make it to February waiting for her.


Here is a picture of her at ten days old. She comes home January 16th (I'm still trying to figure out how to tell my mom about this).



Daniel - her dad is Jack. I saw a picture of his owner taking him for a walk and he's pretty small. I think Jill gets her colouring from him as Jack is a dalmation (pink with black spots) and Duchess is all black. Jill should mature to about 25-30 pounds based on the size of Jack and Duchess.
so you are getting a dalmation colored piglett so cute I bet she keeps you awake at night lol you will be kept very busy i bet too


Yup she's a dalmation. They like to stay warm and my bed is heated so she will likely sleep with me and the cat at night. At least that's my plan - not sure what hers is yet! They are very easy to raise - they don't bark and arent' destructive like puppies. They do throw temper tantrums but once they stop being a teenager they are super chill and easy to live with, and less overall work than a dog. I already have her signed up for puppy classes (for the socialization) and agility classes (they're smart - she needs to think!) and when she's a year old I'll get her certified to go to nursing homes and hospitals and do therapy pet visits. I have her life planned...hope she likes it!
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