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Natural cold and flu relief
Jan 31.2008
Elizabeth Cole (

Rely on home remedies to alleviate the discomfort of nasty cold and flu symptoms.

When dealing with a nasty flu or cold virus, relief may be found at the local grocery store rather than the pharmacy.

Whether you're looking for drug-free alternatives or you simply prefer brewing home-made concoctions, find out why many swear by the following natural home remedies to fight cold and flu symptoms:

Spicy kick
Your favourite spicy dish might help you to breathe easy when you're congested. That's because the best mucokinetic (mucus-moving) foods are those that are spicy. These foods trigger a release of fluids in air passages that breaks up congestion by thinning mucus and flushing out sinuses. The mouth-burning agent in chilli peppers is capsaicin, which is similar to a drug found in many over-the-counter cough syrups and expectorants. Garlic, onions and horseradish also contain agents that have a chemical resemblance to drugs found in drugstore medications. For a strong - but nearly instant - method of breaking up chest congestion, try the following recipe from Jean Carper's book, Food, Your Miracle Medicine (Harpercollins, 1993): Mix a half teaspoon of hot sauce in a small glass of water and drink the mixture quickly.

Garlic power
According to research by Dr. James North, at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, garlic can prevent cold and flu viruses if taken early enough. North's findings show that garlic is effective in killing the human rhinovirus, which causes colds. Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D. and author of Natural Health, Natural Medicine (Walker & Co., 1998) also believes in the cold-fighting benefits of garlic: "The best home remedy I have found for colds is to eat several cloves of raw garlic at the first onset of symptoms... Cut in chunks and swallow whole like pills... I recommend one or two cloves a day."

Onion it out
From Michael Murray, author of Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Prima Health, 1998) comes this recipe for Onion Cough Syrup: "Put six chopped white onions in a double boiler and add half a cup of honey. Cook slowly over low heat for two hours and strain. Take at regular intervals, preferably warm." A simpler suggestion, if you can manage it, involves eating one large, Spanish onion before going to bed. Raw or roasted, it doesn't matter - your cold should be much better, if not gone, by morning because onions contain the same antibacterial components as garlic.

Honey helps
"Raw, unpasteurized honey soothes sore throats and raspy voices," says D.C. Jarvis, M.D., and author of Folk Medicine (Ballantine Books, 1982). He suggests eating a spoonful or two as needed, or mixing it with fruit juice, herbal teas or pure water. Note: The Centre for Disease Control warns that children under one year of age should not ingest honey because their immune system may not be able to resist the botulism bacteria spores in honey.

Ginger zapper
Ginger is particularly valuable for flu-fighting, as it has been proven to attack and destroy influenza viruses. Try swallowing raw ginger, in the same manner as garlic, or making a strong ginger tea. To make ginger tea, grate about half a cup of fresh ginger root, place in a glass or ceramic container, cover with two cups of freshly boiled water and let steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Then add a dash of hot sauce, or the juice of one lemon, or two tablespoons of raw honey, depending on your preferred taste. Sip throughout the day.

I personally use the ginger method, adding honey does help, but it has also helped me with my tummy troubles.


There are other ways to get over the flu faster that don't involve fighting the virus. The virus is there to help the person. It shows them that there is something wrong with their immune system which should easily be able to fight off the virus. You only get viruses when your immune system gets too low. Also there is an association of the cold with cold weather. When you get over the cold, you are healthier than before you got the cold. Here is an article about Curing Colds and Flus. :)


There are other ways to get over the flu faster that don't involve fighting the virus. The virus is there to help the person. It shows them that there is something wrong with their immune system which should easily be able to fight off the virus. You only get viruses when your immune system gets too low. Also there is an association of the cold with cold weather. When you get over the cold, you are healthier than before you got the cold. Here is an article about Curing Colds and Flus. :)
While I agree with some things in the article,also remember that any of the above natural remedies will also help to make the immune system stronger


Also there is an association of the cold with cold weather.

Only to the extent that if a person's immune system is compromised from being tired, previously ill or taking some medications, if that person came in contact with a cold or flu virus and gets cold, the core body temperature may drop allowing the invasive virus to thrive.

People can contract a cold or flu virus in cold or warm climate, ask folks who live in Florida.

When you get over the cold, you are healthier than before you got the cold.

Only because one feels a whole lot better than they did when they had a cold. I don't believe there is any scientific evidence to support such a statement.

As for using vitamin C (ascorbic acid) the studies indicate there is no conclusive evidence to support vitamin C has any preventative or therapeutic effect with colds.

In fact there is a potential for kidney damage from using huge doses of vitamin C for prolonged periods.

The best defense against flu (influenza) is to be immunized (flu shots) in late Fall every year.

The best defense against flu and cold virus is frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers when in public places such as buffet restaurants, or social gatherings where is there may be lots of hand shaking.

These viruses are spread when one is close to an infected person, the virus is picked up on the hands or in the air from a sneeze. The virus enters the body through our mucous membranes like mouth, nose, eyes.


Only to the extent that if a person's immune system is compromised from being tired, previously ill or taking some medications, if that person came in contact with a cold or flu virus and gets cold, the core body temperature may drop allowing the invasive virus to thrive.

People can contract a cold or flu virus in cold or warm climate, ask folks who live in Florida.

Only because one feels a whole lot better than they did when they had a cold. I don't believe there is any scientific evidence to support such a statement.

As for using vitamin C (ascorbic acid) the studies indicate there is no conclusive evidence to support vitamin C has any preventative or therapeutic effect with colds.

In fact there is a potential for kidney damage from using huge doses of vitamin C for prolonged periods.

The best defense against flu (influenza) is to be immunized (flu shots) in late Fall every year.

The best defense against flu and cold virus is frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizers when in public places such as buffet restaurants, or social gatherings where is there may be lots of hand shaking.

These viruses are spread when one is close to an infected person, the virus is picked up on the hands or in the air from a sneeze. The virus enters the body through our mucous membranes like mouth, nose, eyes.
I agree with everything you said Steve..There is also no proof that echinachea helps to boost the immune system or lessen the duration of a cold

Ss you said prevention is the key,with frequent hand washing,vaccine.
i will never take a flu shot. last time i did that i had a mild flu. i would never subject myself to getting it for sure. and i know it can help keep the flu level down if you've had the shot.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
i will never take a flu shot. last time i did that i had a mild flu. i would never subject myself to getting it for sure. and i know it can help keep the flu level down if you've had the shot.

That's pretty much how vaccines work. They stimulate the immune system to create antibodies to a particular virus so that if you get hit by the real thing your immune system is ready to fight it off.


Well I have never had any vaccinations for anything as my parents dont believe in them. And I am still healthy. Cold weather has nothing to do with getting colds as it is purely a virus. I find lemon and honey(home made) helps and resting, also olbas oil and breathing in steam with it in, yess spicy food clears it but only for the immediate time.

Edit-I have nothing against vaccinations myself.
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