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From what I have always understood about PayPal is that it is for Credit Cards but if you find out otherwise, let me know :)


prepaid Visa or MC ........ You can usually pick them up anywhere - where I live they are at gas stations

The cards that are sold in stores for a pre-determined value are actually gift cards, and when their purchased value is used up, the card is worthless and useless.

Pre-paid credit card is isued by finance companies, using the brand of Mastercard or Visa, but require a deposit to be held by the issuer..usually $300 to $500. As purchases are made, the balance of the pre payment must be made to top up the card, or the unpaid balance is subject to exhorbitant interest rates. I believe there are other conditions which might include forfeiting a certain portion of the pre-payment in the event of non payment.

Pre paid credit cards are of interest to people with poor credit scores and are not usually issued by the bigger financial institutions.

In todays lending market, I have not seen them advertised on TV recently though.


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I'd like to be able to use that excuse Jackie...But I'm guessing it's merely my ignorance! :lol:
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