More threads by lswife


:hippy:Hi am new to the concept of separation and divorce. I am newly separated from my spouse of 25 1/2 years since 2 months ago. Things have not been easy to say the least.


Hi lswife and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you decided to join us and I hope that you find some good resourceful information here.


:canadian:I'm having a really tough time, the reality of separating from my husband of almost 26 years is hitting me like a ton of bricks and I am very sad. :(:(:(:(
Sometimes I feel like I cannot actually go through with it. My husband has a rare eating disorder called rumination and he says that I have focused all of our problems on that and that I have used his eating disorder as an excuse to leave him. He says that there are other problems that are going on with me and that I should go see a therapist. He is possibly right about all of that. He said that he has had enough of me and does not want me back. I have put him through alot.

All I know is that I feel very messed up right now and I need someone to talk to. I saw a therapist 2 weeks ago and and I should go back to see her again. I will. I am going through menopause and I think that perhaps that has something to do with (but probably not all of) what I am going through.

This is such a difficult time for me right now, I just cannot believe that this is happening.:confused:
i am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. i am glad you are going to see yiour therapist, she'll probably be very helpful in this difficult period for you.

have you spoken to your doctor about your menopause at all?

i don't think people have "excuses" for leaving their partners. i think it takes a lot of things to be wrong and a long time for them to be wrong before it ends in separation.

do you have any support in the form of friends or family?


I agree that going to see the therapist again would be a good idea. It helps to have someone that you can talk to that is understanding and non-judgmental.

I also think that you are doing great by reaching out here.

Take care


:canadian:You are probably right that there has been alot of things that were wrong in my marriage for a very long time. One of them being the fact that neither of us were very good at communicating with each other. I guess that I didn't really need to have any excuse other than the fact that I wasn't happy in the marriage. My husband thinks that I am not happy within myself. He is right about that.

I have the support of my family here and of those who live all across Canada. I however do not have very many friends that I could call close enough to lean on in this time of crisis. Maybe one or two that's it. I made the mistake of focusing so much of my time over the years on my family that I neglected to nurture a close female friendship with anybody. I have secluded myself for far too long with no close girl friend to talk to or have fun with. I know that I need to get out more....get a part-time job, volunteer somewhere and just talk to people.

That is something about my personality that I need to work on. My mother was the same way, was quiet, shy and didn't have many friends. I have been told by my 3 sisters that I am the most like our mother. She has been dead for 19 years now, she died at the age of 47. That is another thing that I probably need therapy for as well. I have not been the same since she died. I guess no one is after a death. I suppose that is another topic that I can explore with my therapist.

I haven't spoken to my doctor about my menopause in quite a while. I am going to see him this Thursday and will have a chat with him about it.

Thanks Halo I am trying my best to reach out for support. I need all the help I can get at this very difficult time in my life.
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