More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A New Website to Help Educate Menopausal Women about Their Treatment Options
May 31, 2012

Ever since 2002 when several large-scale studies called into question the safety of long-term hormone replacement therapy (HRT), there has been confusion and conflicting opinions regarding the management of menopausal symptoms. Initially there was a movement to avoid HRT altogether; now it is becoming clearer that certain women may safely use and benefit from hormonal interventions.

Ten years after the initial reports from the Women?s Health Initiative were released, we have much more research delineating the risks of HRT. Yet many women and their doctors find the information on HRT confusing and are uncertain about what are the best treatment options for menopausal symptoms.

Now there is an interactive website for women going through menopause. The Endocrine Society and its Hormone Health Network has released the Menopause Map, an online tool designed to help a woman and her health care provider to learn more about hormonal and non-hormonal treatments and find the safest and most effective options for a particular women.

Visit the Menopause Map at Menopause Map - New Resource
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