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Are you planning a New Year's resolution for 2009? If so, what is your goal?

Do resolutions really change behaviour, or are they doomed to failure?

Have you noticed all the TV infomercials for weight loss and fitness gadgets at thsi time of year?


Resident Canuck
I don't make New Year's Resolutions as I resolve to take things one day at a time. I have learned that life turns on a dime. No matter what I may plan for next week or next month is subject to fate, destiny etc.

I guess it could be, because I am at a turning point in my life and in very unfamilliar terrory as of late. A time for reflection and self healing. Once this happens, which I put no time restrictions on personally, then I can start to think of other goals or resolutions.

Great topic TSOW.

Happy New Year to all :D


My resolution is to get healthy from my infection, listen to my body and stay out of the hospital.

Yeehaw....the first year that I can actually not put down "quit smoking" on my list.....quit now for almost 4 months :yahoo: :yahoo:


Resident Canuck
I am so glad Halo. Quitting smoking for sure not easy. A big pat on the back for you! :D

There was a quote that I heard, a swing off of "one day at a time"

It goes

"I'm still catching up with yesterday, by tomorrow I should be ready for today"



That's phenomenal, Halo. Congrats! SO proud of you!

I make resolutions but not for New Year's...a year is too long for me to think of. I make them every couple of months and it's always the same one because I need to remind myself how important it is. So far I've kept it but I often wonder when I won't be able to anymore, because I do believe the day will come when I just won't be able to. So far so good though.

Daniel E.
Are you planning a New Year's resolution for 2009? If so, what is your goal?

Oh, the usual. Eat more oatmeal, exercise more, spend less time on the Internet, put things away after I use them, etc.
I used to always make my resolution to 'lose weight' but this year I think i'm going to make it to 'be healthier'...that way im not pressured into something I cannot maintain...but simply, making greener cutting back and eventually quitting smoking, drinking more water and less coffee...walking my dog 6 days a week instead of only 4...eating less carbs and more protein, fruits and veggies, and then hopfully...after a few months I may start to notice a gradual weight change as a result of changing my habits rather than making a million rules im guaranteed to break...

Halo that is amazing , well done .

for me, be braver about going out . and not just live work and home , without a social life . break some habits and replace them with others.
smile more !!! :)


Have you ever thought about making resolutions for other people?

Say you had to make a New Years resolution for, say...Brittany Spears...George Bush....Bernard Madoff...Bill Gates..:D
Have you ever thought about making resolutions for other people?

Say you had to make a New Years resolution for, say...Brittany Spears...George Bush....Bernard Madoff...Bill Gates..:D

Dont tempt me:rolling: I think[GOOGLE]David Tennant[/GOOGLE]who Plays Dr Who should make a new years resolution to marry me:D
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