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My resolution is to get healthy from my infection, listen to my body and stay out of the hospital.

Yeehaw....the first year that I can actually not put down "quit smoking" on my list.....quit now for almost 4 months :yahoo: :yahoo:

That's wonderful, Halo! Congratulations!

amastie added 16 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

This one is probably as destined to fail as if I were to try it too :lol: there should be an intenet addicts forum for you and I lol
And me.. :)

My level of functioning is such that I make a list of goals/resolutions every day. It helps.

As for more long-term goals, I came back to this thread when I wanted to remind myself of these things:

1. Restrict internet as much as I can
2. Give love to my body (goes to deeper issues)
3. Remember to do everything only a few minutes, or a few *seconds* at a time. Each second counts.
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Halo that is amazing , well done .

for me, be braver about going out . and not just live work and home , without a social life . break some habits and replace them with others.
smile more !!! :)
Good luck with the social life :)
And may you have many more reasons this year to have a smile :)


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I wrote mine down in my diary, but we'll see whether I actually do them or not. I've resolved to keep the kitchen tidier, to do the boring vocal exercises my singing teacher sets and which I usually avoid in favour of something that actually has words, to exercise properly at least every other day (I go through spurts of being really good and then... less good!), and to go to bed at or preferably before 11pm. That last one is going to be the hardest! :angel:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I went to bed on time on the 1st, but so far that's it. Haha, I lasted one day! I keep telling myself that it's ok because I'm still on holidays at the moment. I go back to work tomorrow so I'll try it again with a bit more effort. :D


I went to bed on time on the 1st, but so far that's it. Haha, I lasted one day!...
I haven't managed that yet. But tomorrow starts my usual round of commitments so getting to bed earlier becomes more important. It's now 10.53pm and counting down to midnight.....
My resolution for this year is to have more fun!

I even joined a gym, and despite how sore I am right now, I'm really enjoying it.

I'm mentally ready to get into shape, and no longer have the hang ups I use to have about being in a gym environment.

I'm stronger today than I was a week ago.
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