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Around Thanksgiving (USA, Nov 27) I tried to detox on my own and it did not go well. I have thought I would give up alcohol several times since then but it didn't work. Since I first tried, I realized I would have serious psychical and mental side effects. This may sound weird but I'm most concerned about my younger sister. She has had some serious mental health issues since August, having 2 inpatient episodes, both of them dealing with ex-boyfriends going to rehab for drugs and alcohol. She has not coped well. Right now my plan is to detox somewhere inpatient and then do an intensive outpatient in the evenings after work. My current therapist thinks that would work best for me. I think I could detox with out my sister knowing and I think that would be best for her. I was all set to detox inpatient after the next year and then at the end of last week she tells me that her ex boyfriend/best-friend is going inpatient for alcohol. She was heart broken and I just held her as she cried. It may seem like I'm using this as an excuse not to detox/get help but my sister was just inpatient for not feeling safe right and was just released the day before Christmas. I'm really trying to think of her right now!!


H! I am just trying to understand why your sister is upset about her ex and/or you going into detox, I would think that should be a good thing that she would be happy about. Is it because she would lose some support for herself during that time?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's not that it sounds weird. The problem is that it sounds like a rationalization for postponing something difficult.

There will always be something. There will never be the perfect time. The only perfect time is now.
I agree with Dr Baxter hun you can only be good support to your sister if you are well yourself It is time NOW to get into detox for you ok yours sister will cope and find other supports while you are getting stronger yourself take care of YOU ok
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