More threads by darkly_divided_dork

I think I found this place because this morning I woke up not quite feeling right and I was wondering if it was DID related and because I think and Google too much here I am :)

You can call me Dork, if it pleases you.

I'm a creative type person, going to college to be a computer programmer, have a great boyfriend, I'm childfree and very open minded. I love numbers and colors and I'm active in the local kink community (BDSM) and I enjoy hoola hooping and belly dancing when no one is looking.

As much as I hate to admit it, I've self-diagnosed myself with DID but there are others (friends) that see it in me too. I really need to find a therapist but I'm having a hard time taking the first step. I would honestly rather get a root canal or 3 rather than pick up the phone. I think part of my problem is I don't know what to expect. So I kind of hope that being here will give me an idea and I'll be able to start moving forward.

Also, I am quite curious about the ways of the mind and hope I can find answers here. I'm especially interested in memory, "normal" or otherwise.

And I imagine your sock is making out with my sock. >.>
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