Hi, well here I am, a bit nervous
, but here goes... I've ended up in a place where I'm a stranger and don't know whether to try and go back to where I came from - along with a lot less money to have any kind of life with - and it's the life that would be attractive compared to where I am now, or to somehow keep 'existing' here in a place I feel completely alien to. Came from the big city almost 12 years ago with husband, but our relationship fell apart over time (wasn't that great anyhow:lol
and divorced two years ago. I'm in a tiny place (looked like a good move re having a tiny mtge to deal with and lots of room for actual baggage), with a few hundred people who've known each other forever, and with whom I have nothing at all in common, plus no family except for bro. back in city, and only a handful of new acquaintances. I've also had no one to share my feelings with re marriage/divorce and more, and feel so alone, seeing less and less point (apart from being Mom to my cats) in anything much any more. I really hate whining like this, but think I need to do this (here) to be 'responsible'. Turned 65 this year, there's no work whatsoever around and it's harder and harder to try and make hobbies and/or the small volunteer stuff here feel meaningful. Any ideas would be welcome! Thanks.