A part of me knows that what I feel happening isn't really happening again; it's not always clear to me though, depending on what triggered which flashback, and which part of my trauma I relive during nightmares. I would hardly call those nightmares, really, because they are exactly like it was during the actual event. I wake up up in a panic, and it takes me quite sometime to get oriented and grounded in the present again. My days starts back there, and when I am through half the day, I have "visited" there many times again. I truly wish I knew all my triggers, it seems to help me for those that I do know. Somehow I need to get control over these flashbacks and nightmares, but I don't know how to do that. It's really exhausting to not be able to get rest, even though I do get enough hours of sleep, with the help of meds. I have tried to imagine a different outcome, but so far that hasn't worked for me. I don't know how to change this, do any of you have ideas??