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Tomorrow I'll have my last therapy session of the year. My therapist takes a month off every year around Christmas and in the past I've really struggled with that. It has felt like being abandoned; I panic that he won't return or that I won't cope while he's away. Last year when the tsunami hit, I even had a panic attack because I managed to convince myself that his holiday destination was one of the affected places and he must have died! :)

Anyway, the point of this is that I feel differently this year. Having stumbled across this site only very recently, I'm already identifying with others and finding a lot of wisdom and support here. I know that the next month will not seem quite so interminable; that I have someplace to turn if I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say, "my sincerest thanks Dr. Baxter for the gift of this forum!!". :)
Hopefully your therapist has left you with someone to contact in his absence? It is important for therapists to provide an alternative upon such absences. Keep us posted. Take care,


Thanks comfortzone. I'm supposed to contact my GP when my therapist's away. This year though he has said that, although he's on leave, he'll be checking his phone messages/emails, so he's contactable in an emergency. I guess my having recently entertained ideas about suicide prompted him to let me know he's actually only a phonecall away if I'm really struggling.

I'm really sure it won't come to that because I'm feeling so much more 'stable'. The point is, I just want everyone on here to know that this forum is a great resource; it's not necessary for anyone to feel alone in their various struggles, and that I truly appreciate the kindness, understandng and support I've experienced so far.


Can I say that to a point I understand ?

Mine too and I have no one to go to and don't even know if I will go back to her anywya.

Thinking of you during this tie and hope you get through it unscaved.



You're welcome Dr. Baxter...I hope you realise the magnitude and value of what you've created here. I appreciate that it must involve a lot of your time and the odd frustration or technical issue here and there. I hope the personal satisfaction and fulfillment sufficiently repay your investment. ;)

Thanks Heather! Maybe this imposed break from your therapist is an opportune time to assess your relationship with her and evaluate whether you want to continue working with her in the new year?! There's always these forums to turn to if you need to...or helplines, or your GP should be able to point you in the direction of someone to hear you out during your therapist's absence. I'll be thinking of you too...and I'll always 'listen' if you really feel there's no-one else to go to :)
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