At my last season my therapist raised the point that my emotional response to something is stronger than it should normally be, and that maybe there's something I'm not telling him about. But there isn't anything else so the possibilities are:
I've been trying to come up with a way to try explaining the things that might be unexplained but maybe I shouldn't even bother because it's all just too minor and I should be more focused on moving on from the idea of talking about any of this stuff.
If it weren't for my long distance bf I could cancel my internet, and get a dumb-phone plan without data just for calls with my parents and that'd be that.
- I haven't properly explained some surrounding circumstances.
- I'm a weak pathetic sissy (which is still inbuilt into possibility 1, because needing a gigantic backstory is pathetic too).
I've been trying to come up with a way to try explaining the things that might be unexplained but maybe I shouldn't even bother because it's all just too minor and I should be more focused on moving on from the idea of talking about any of this stuff.
If it weren't for my long distance bf I could cancel my internet, and get a dumb-phone plan without data just for calls with my parents and that'd be that.