More threads by Thelostchild

Well Im back to having insomnia again, but think that its due to all this stress I have going on right now such as, my sister and her deep depression, moving farther away from my family, my grandpa his cancer he is in nuetropenic, Neutropenia (new-tro-pee'-nee-a) is a decrease in the neutrophils (new'-tro-fills). These are white blood cells that fight off infection. Chemotherapy lowers the number of neutrophils for a time after treatment, Buying a house outside of crazy Denver.. Now I put my self back on sereqoel just momentarly untill I figure out If I really need something to help me sleep. I know I should be checking in with a doc but I have had absolutely no time I've been on the road to and from MT and CO.:rx:



I'm sorry you're not sleeping again. I don't know what to suggest except to recommend that you see your doc as soon as you can. You need your health if you are to support your other family members.

If thoughts and wishes can come help, I send lots to help you feel better and sleep better very soon :)

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