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How can you tell the difference between just worrying too much or if you are having obsessive thoughts?

Or are the two basically the same?

I'm trying to think of some examples, but my mind is just blank right now. :yikes:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I think it's more a continuum than a black-and-white either-or category thing. However, as a general "definition", I'd say if you are worrying excessively about things that have no solid foundation in reality, things that are very unlikely to occur, or things that are not related to people or events around you - and/or if you find the thoughts intruding into your mind even when you're trying to focus on other things - then you are probably exhibiting obsessive traits in the way you worry.


I have a ?, the doctor I'm seeing sais I have OCD, but im not sure what kind of ocd it is, I have words in my mind that I think I say out loud but in reality I know I dont, but it makes me live in depression, I dont think people can read my mind or anything like that, I just think I say these certain words sometimes but I know I dont but my mind wont let me believe that I dont, do u think u can help?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
1. what sort of words are these?

2. is it that you WORRY that you might say them out loud or that you might have said them out loud? or do you think at the time that it has actually happened?


I would say all 3, I think that I might say them out loud and after I think for long periods of time that I did say them and then the depression really starts

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
All right. That does sound like the "obsessive" part of OCD. You mention you are seeing a "doctor". Is this a psychiatrist or psychologist? Are you receiving any sort of psychotherapy and/or medication on a regular basis?


yes, I've been seeing a psyciatrist for around 3 years, I've been on paxil, zoloft and some others but they dont seem to help, have u ever heard of something like what im going through and is there anything or any other medication u can recommond?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That type of medication will generally help (although personally I think Luvox is better for obsessive thinking), but generally some sort of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) approach is also required. Fundamentally, this is a matter of actively relabeling your thoughts as worries - everyone worries - this is just your OCD style of doing it.


thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it, I will tell my doctor that I would like to try what u said, again thank you and have a good day
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