More threads by amastie



I?ve learned that there are more ways to *not* being in the world than dissociating, but I?m not sure how much of those ?other? ways don?t really involve dissociation anyway.

I?ve just spent hours writing, and fine tuning, my first number of posts in these forums - all of them laboursome & heavy-going. As far as something to say, dissociation is a kind of ?been there, don?t that, wearing the t-shirt?.

All this time I?ve talked about the stuff I think, feel and do that makes for disordered behaviour, and not about the unifying ?disorder? behind it all - dissociation.

I will want to get more into this forum at another time, but for now, I?m aware of having moved into perhaps a new syndrome (though not so new to me). It?s called the ?Losing yourself in being on the computer? syndrome?.

I make this vow not to come back to these forums for at least one day and when I do, to start with the ?Fun stuff? forum. Heavy will only get you so far through the day :)

Of course, you won?t see me if I go elsewhere online. I?ll see if I can manage to stay clear. ;)

See ya,



Account Closed
You don't have to stay clear of us. :) But putting a time limit on the use of the net would be a good idea. I am on an hour max at one time. I can come back later in the day but only for another hour. Setting a time limit has really helped. This way I can get what I need as in support, but I don't have to live inside my computer as I use to do.


What a wonderful idea!

I will try it too because I really do live inside my computer so very much of the time. It's just one of the ways that I try to avoid being in the world.

Thank you :)

As you can see, I didn't make it for a whole day before returning, but I'm heading off again. I must! Must get some sleep.

It's 6.50am here. I'm tired.

Goodnight ladylore :)


Hello Amastie,

I kinda liked your post. Sounded pretty honest in my everyday life.

"I?ve learned that there are more ways to *not* being in the world than dissociating, but I?m not sure how much of those ?other? ways don?t really involve dissociation anyway."

Dissociation, Avoidance? Heck throw in some Procrastination. I'm quite sure you would agree that moderation is a good thing.

Too many distractions these days for me to understand, so what do I do?
Well... I gutted my TV into a plant stand. No more "electronic valium" for me.
It grows a really nice cactus plant with some ivy also. I did that 2 years ago and found the less TV I watched, the smarter I was for it.

I like to call it ... Positive dissociative affirmation. (for radical times)


MVP, Forum Supporter
I can relate to getting lost on the computer, the amount of time that gets sucked up by the internet can be huge. I try using an egg timer, I am not so high tech as some of the other members but this is what works for me. Once my timer goes off I log out. I tend to be rather compulsive in my behaviours so this kind of self regulation really helps. I also finding making to do lists and sticking to them is helpful. I schedule events with friends and I schedule my activities, I get far more accomplished and its really been helping me a lot. Then I dont feel guilty the days that I go a little past my egg times allotment because I have already accomplished something each day.


Hi Joey,

sounds like you've come up with some really good practical solutions for yourself. 'Moderation' isn't easy for me to come by especially when I dissociate - and I truly dissociate. I lose the ability to make choices based on my present-day, adult, rational understanding. But I will keep your ideas in mind.


Hi adaptive,

re your idea of 'To Do' lists - among my many so-called accomplishements, I'm a compuslive list-maker! It's my way of maintaining connection the the present, to the real. It definitely helps me to achieve at a very basic,funcional level, but it also is used to hide from actually *doing* things. I seem to have a talent from hiding from the world, and Organizing what I want to do has become one of them, but yes, certainly the computer as well.

Talking of which, I'm well overtime now and must head off to bed.

Goodnight to all :sleep:

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