More threads by NicNak


Resident Canuck
One of my favorite bands, KISS is doing a North American tour.

My brother wants me to go with him. His wife will be in Europe. My brother and I always had a tradition to go to the shows, anytime they came to our city.

The exception this time is I have the anxiety and panic attacks. Although my brother is older than me, it kind of broke my heart to have to say no.

Only cause I am not sure I can handle the crowds like that, being the way I am now. I couldn't imagine having a panic attack there and either causing a scene or having to leave the show. It wouldn't be fair to my brother either.

I just wish I could find a way for my brother to be able to go. He really only has his wife and the family.

Not really sure why I am writing this. I guess it is bothering me more cause, if I were just to miss out, that is fine. I hate that my "conditon" effects others too. I don't like my limitations to become others limits, if that makes sense.

It makes me sad.
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Re: One of my favorite bands KISS.

:support: Oh I am so sorry NN; I don't know what to say. Please don't feel guilty for your anxiety and panic attacks, :hug:


Re: One of my favorite bands KISS, feel bad I can't go.


I can relate. I use to go to concerts all the time till I got ill now I just could not face it and it does really upset me as I have missed so many bands that I love when they play here and my fellah wants to go but sometimes has to miss stuff because of me or go with his mates:hug:
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