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I know any online test should be seen as entertainment only, but could there be any validity at all?

For example, twice in the past few years I've done online IQ tests "for fun". Both times I scored between 135-141.

I just did another one now, by far the hardest I've ever done, and scored 137. Given how close these scores are, could it have at least a little bit of credibility?


MVP, Forum Supporter
To be honest, online tests are an entertaining diversion. As well unless the IQ test numbers are significantly different from the norm, it is just a number. That being said, it's what you do with your intelligence that IS significant. And from what I read, you do a great job with your IQ and your kind heart and generous nature. :)


MVP, Forum Supporter
WHAT - astrology predictions are not true??? There go my plans for the day...:rofl:
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