More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Online psychology tests
The Week
Friday, November 14, 2008 rates your personality in categories such as outgoingness and empathy—and lets you find out how others see you. The “I Just Get Myself” test comprises “40 easy questions but delivers a surprisingly insightful assessment.”, the homepage for Harvard’s Project Implicit, tries to show how unconscious biases can effect our decisions. It currently features a test designed to uncover bias about race and other issues raised by this year’s presidential race. is “one of the best online mental health resources.” This simple test assesses aspects of mental health, “including your risk of depression, anxiety, and other emotional disorders.”

Just don’t treat it as a replacement for a professional assessment.

Source: The New York Times


Hi David,
I'd like to add a stress test you must be familiar with. It is the Holmes and Rahe test that goes back to the 60's. It's probably on-line but I did not want to add a link in case it was a no-no. But I'm really curious on your opinion on that one as I have always found it pretty solid. I use it as a type of year end "inventory".


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
I did the 'youjustgetme' test... some of it was pretty accurate, some of it wasn't. What got me laughing though, was that under the 'disciplined' bubble one supposedly joking comment was, "If there was ever a person who ironed their jeans or kept a color-coded closet, it would be you." I don't do either of those things, but I share my office with two other women my age, and one of them does iron her jeans, and the other does have a perfectly colour-coordinated wardrobe. Maybe its radar was a little off. :D
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