More threads by Ashley-Kate



Great to hear that you got to see the Psychologist that you like and feel understood by. It always helps.

I also think that it was nice of your mom to come and visit you just because she knew that you needed special :hug:

Take care and continue to let us know how you are doing.
well i just got back from class and also from the appointment. It went okay i guess. He is going to keep seeing me if the plan that we have works but i will have to continue receiving treatment from the hospital because they are specialised in eating disorders and well i have an eating disorder but i will probably no longuer have to see the social worker that i have been seeing but seeings how on the health matter things are not improving we need to keep the hospital at arms reach cause if i ever need to be hopitalised then they will not send me to some mental institutionwere they don't know much about e-d's in this case if ever i am really too sick to decide for myself they will be able to have the door open in the eating disorder unit!
thats about it


Resident Canuck
I am glad your doctor is going to continue to see you. Especially since you seem to be able to talk to him best out of all the people.

Thanks for the update. Keep up the good work in communicating with your doctor. It isn't easy, but it is the best thing to do. That is the way they are able to help us feel better :D

Best wishes to you.
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