More threads by joe isuzu

joe isuzu

I've heard that people who have AD/HD tend to overeat, particularly certain types of food. Apparently, this has something to do with a lack of dopamine and it's effect on leptin & appetite control. Again, a lot of bio-chemistry, but I'm trying to understand all the facets of this disorder. I know that when I start feeling crappy, if I eat a lot, I start feeling better. Ice cream, french fries, basically all the stuff thats really not good for us. I also noticed that the more down I feel, the more hungry I get, sort of like after smoking a fat one & getting the munchies afterwards. (Yes, I did inhale back when I was a young man and I still remember it so I must not have done it for long!)

When I was young, I could eat what ever I wanted, because I was so hyper, I just burned it off. When I was in the Air Force, before I got kicked out for unadaptability,( should have been a wake up call to get help) I could eat 5 meals a day & still weighed only 135 lbs at 5ft 10 in. Now I'm 235 & I think gravity is starting to make me shorter & wider.

Anyway, I know also from the one time I was on Ritalin that I wasn't hungry anymore, even though I was even more depressed. That really sucked because for the first time in over 20 years I could look down & see something other than my stomach but I just couldn't seem to get very enthusiastic about it.

Do any others of you out there who are dealing with the infinite joys of AD/HD have any experience with the constant desire to eat? How do you deal with it? I know it may not be a great idea but I'm going to go have a brownie & wait until somebody posts back. ( Ar Ar Huumor!) Joe
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