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I fell down the stairs this morning and was fine at the time, but now I can barely walk. I've been in pain for about six hours, but am hesitant to take any ibuprofen, because I'm not sure how it will interact with my other medications.

The worst part is I took tomorrow off because I'm supposed to be competing with my dog in a trial, but if I can't walk I can't compete. This sucks big time. :mad:

Maybe the "good feet fairy" will visit tonight and fix everything for me. One can hope, right??!!


Eeek sorry to hear that, if i see the Good Feet Fairies i'll send them right over to you! Hope your foot/leg? feels better for tomorrow!
Oh if t he pain gets worse go in and get checked out okay may have done some damage to your back or other things. I hope you are better forthe dog trials


Well, I pulled from the dog trial. We're having a snow storm (wtf??) and while I can now put weight on my ankle, I drive a standard and I'm not sure I want to be using that foot with the clutch. It's not as sore or swollen as it was yesterday, but it still hurts. Oh well. C'est la vie.
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